<p>So that NY zine article about super applicants? there’s a guy on there doing ED at Penn. black fball player, to boot. </p>
<p>my observation, tho, was that these kids sound faaar from “Super”. whats up with that? when you’re talking super, wouldn’t you put people with scores/gpa at least a little higher than their early school’s median? or who’ve received awards not everybody and their mother has gotten?
ok, not all of them are mediocre or anything but their acheivements only ‘sounded’ impressive. a few, though, were genuinely bright,well-rounded kids who deserved admission into good schools. but arent we all?
at the most, these super applicants had mebbe one or two really note-worthy accomplishments.
the point is, I wasn’t at all intimidated by these “super” applicants. is this presumptuous of me or did other people feel the same way? </p>
<p>I saw this too, and I agree. I was shocked. Hm, does this mean I'm SUPER?! Not really, the article just picked bad people, haha.</p>
<p>There's a kid over on the Columbia board who claims to be one of the super applicants who people were criticizing. He got in ED. I mean, seriously, one of their biggest awards/achievements has probably now become "featured in NY magazine" :p.</p>
<p>lol yeah i read about him.
the top part of my head was the subject of an ad for eyeliner in a random fashion magazine... does that count as 'published'? lol</p>
<p>the only one of them im intimidated by is cournety sachs... and the black football playerdoesnt say hes recruited...</p>
<p>the last guy has good research... and the black dude who works 15 hours a week to supplement family? yeah, nice, touching, heart warming, but does not show superior time mangement skills... wrestling takes up 35 hours a week plus im on newspaper, fbla, peer mediation, run my own business, do well in school and im on the varsity debate team... 15 hours a week is crap</p>
<p>if penn really loves kids who "put their ideas into actions" then i just might get accepted... i didnt know that but thats like, all i talked about during my interview</p>
<p>The only one who REALLY impresses me is the first girl, Courtney Sachs. She has great SAT/GPA, and awesome awards/ECs to boot.</p>
<p>Most of the others have awesome awards (especially Mr Crocodile Teeth), but so many of them have SATs below 2000. I think academics come first in college admissions, so I just hope these kids get deferred...</p>
<p>I dunno, I just feel like someone like me (or probably many of the applicants on CC), w/ 2300+, top 5% of their class, 5-6 leadership positions in things that they enjoy, & a few decent awards, deserve to get into big schools before most of those kids.</p>
<p>^exactly. i mean, im sry i havent cured cancer yet or saved some somalian village from destruction. but i have done research in a field i was interested in, and been a mentor to some inner city kids. is that not good enough these days? i kinda had to study/do hw and stuff besides dance too. there isnt enough time in the day to <em>not</em> prioritize.</p>