Super clueless. Chance me please?

Hi all,
I’m having trouble gauging where I chance of getting into direct BSN (for SDSU, SJSU, UCLA, UCI, CSUF, CSULB).

My stats:
4.14 W, 3.85 UW
1540 SAT
SAT Math II: Haven’t taken yet, definitely 760+
SAT Lit: Haven’t taken yet, definitely 760+
AP’s: World History (3), Calc AB (5), Lit (5), Gov, Econ, Stats, Biology (all yet to take) and two community college classes (both A’s)
School: Public, CA, Female and Asian
Rank: like 120/700, but our rank is merely unweighted, so probably doesn’t matter much

-Competitive dancer for 11 years, won over 15 state competitions
-Taught free classes at ^ academy for free for 3 years, led that team to state champions as well x5
-Founded school’s chapter of a national religious/service organization. Acting president for three years, leading consistent service events.
-NHS member for 2 years.
-I think I qualified as National Merit Scholar finalist.
-250+ hours as a hospital intern, 500+ hours as a camp counsellor, 50+ hours free tutoring.
-Co-founder and instructor in a non-profit teaching free fitness lessons to local mothers. (50+ hours)
-Cultural drum (6 years), hold multiple awards from an internationally-recognized institution, predominantly male
-Taught 30+ hours of free lessons of ^ to elementary-aged children.
-Guitar (2 years), singing (lessons and choir member for 5 years)
-Officer of school’s cultural club and school dance captain for 3 years.
-Getting a job this summer.

Essay topics:
-Being homosexual. A big one for me as it plays a role in where I go to college and the possibility of me becoming independent from my family soon.
-Suffering from depression for 5 years: my recovery, and the stigma in my community surrounding mental illness.

Why nursing?:
-The death of the family member who raised me, due to inadequate health-care, and how this relates to my attraction to the medical field.
-My mother is a nurse and through her hard work as a nurse she escaped an abusive marriage and raised two children alone.
-I’ve spent 100s of hours volunteering in the hospital setting and I’m obsessed.
-I’ve spent time in and out of hospitals and have experienced amazing care from nurses (as a burn victim as a child, and later for depression)

Sorry for the huge post and if i posted in the wrong place. I just need to see if I’m on the right track. Thank you all in advance.

My high school senior D’s Nursing school selection process is almost complete so I can help with what we’ve learned so far. I think you’re in the right area. You have some very good stats, compelling experiences and strong ECs. Completing the prerequisites (ie Biology) will be paramount so make sure to take care of those before you apply.

You can see a list of direct entry nursing schools if you search this forum. From that you can see that the 2 UCs with direct entry are UCI and UCLA. We were surprised to learn the remaining UCs don’t have any undergrad pre-Nursing.

And the two CSUs with direct entry are CSUF and SDSU. So 2 you listed above (SJSU and CSULB are pre-Nursing and not direct entry). CSUs have many more pre-Nursing as well.

UCs will require your strong essays where you can include all your motivations you listed above. CSUs won’t.

The acceptance rates for all 4 of these direct entry schools is well under 10%. For that reason we applied to many direct entry schools. With your stats and experiences you could be a strong candidate for the UCs but with such low acceptance rates it’s really hard to know.

Spend some time here and take a look at some of the stories of nursing hopefuls who received tons of merit money from schools outside of California to bring the cost below some of our state schools. Good luck!