Supplemental Housing

I accepted my offer of admission to penn state on April 29 which is pretty late to the game. My roommate committed sometime in March. How big of a chance do we have of getting put in supplemental housing? Will they still put us both in supplemental even though she accepted before april 1?

@Imad726, this is from Penn State’s housing website:

Room assignments are processed in date order of when the student accepts the offer of admission. Therefore, the earlier the offer of admission is accepted, the better chance the student has of being assigned to a room assignment based on indicated housing preferences. The University cannot guarantee that HFS Contract preferences will be honored. All first-year students will have an on-campus housing space.


A first-year student has until May 1 to accept the offer of admission to Penn State, and will be guaranteed an on-campus housing space. If a first-year student accepts the offer of admission after April 1, the student may not be assigned to a space that reflects the preferences indicated on the HFS Contract. A first-year student may also be assigned to a supplemental housing room – a reduced rate residence hall room that houses four or more people – rather than to a regular double room.

They will go by the date that your roommate committed as long as you and your roommate have BOTH selected each other in your preferences. If your roommate committed in March, you SHOULD be fine for not getting supplemental housing.