<p>If I send in a science research paper as supplementary material, will it get a faculty review or just be ignored? Thanks</p>
<p>I am not exactly sure how princeton does theirs but Yale sends the report to faculty members who then collaborate with the admission committee and tells them about the merits of the work.</p>
<p>Based on the policies of other Ivies, I think it is at the discretion of the admissions committe whether they send supplementary material to faculty members for review. So if they look at your app and you have a 2 for the ACT and weren’t involved in anything (obviously that’s an exaggeration, but you get my drift) and there’s no way you’re getting in, then they won’t waste time asking the faculty to review it. But if your application is borderline then maybe they’d review it? I’m just guessing here.</p>
<p>Either way, make sure that what you send in is truly incredible work; college faculty members are very busy and don’t have time to review stuff that’s only “average,” so sending in sub-par supplementary material might be a good way to get them irritated at you. But if your science research paper is absolutely fantastic and could persuade them that you’d be a worthwhile addition to Princeton, then go for it!</p>