Supplements/ Career Specific Essays

<p>I have come to understand that the common app/main essay for many colleges should act as a narrative where you "show rather than tell." You provide a story, with a bit of emotion, and reflection that should reveal who you are to a reader.</p>

<p>How about for supplements, and specific essays such as "Why do you want to study medicine."....</p>

<p>Can I refrain from a narrative, that "shows", and simply write a direct intellectual essay with an overarching thesis with points to back it up? Can't a reader understand alot about you by simply reading your thought process, your goals, and your preferences?</p>

<p>Should I be direct, or "creative" on my supplements/Career specific essays?</p>

<p>I’ve actually wondered this as well.</p>

<p>From the sample essays I’ve read, the best essays tend to combine narrative and intellectualism. For example, you could discuss a particular experience that first piqued your interest in X field, and end your essay with a broader, more philosophical explanation of why you want to enter that field/what you hope to accomplish in that field, as well as how that particular school would be a good fit for you. “Show don’t tell” still applies: showing the adcoms why you want to study a particular subject is more convincing than telling them why.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response. You confirmed what was on the back of mind.</p>