<p>Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to make a decision for fall of 2014 and I'm trying to get as much information as possible.</p>
<p>Can anyone tell me what SVA is like for a photography student (especially one that wants to work in fashion photography)?
Whether you are an SVA student/know a student/visited etc etc, literally any tidbit of information is helpful!</p>
<p>I am also considering SVA for photography in the fall of 2014. I am pretty impressed with the work that I have seen being produced from the school. I don’t like that it is for-profit and that there are over 500 students in the photography department. Are you considering other schools? Do you know how good they are with financial aid and scholarships? </p>
<p>@artstudent1995 I feel the same! I don’t like that SVA is for-profit either, but I remember reading an article somewhere that, despite it’s for-profit status, SVA tends to operate more like a nonprofit, which is a good thing obviously.</p>
<p>But still, it’s reaaaaaallllllyyyyy expensive. I don’t know much about financial aid because I haven’t submitted the FAFSA yet. I do know that SVA has 2 different scholarships that applicants with a 3.0 GPA and above are automatically considered for. I’m not sure when they inform recipients of the scholarships, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t qualify because they didn’t say anything about it in my acceptance letter (I have a 4.0 GPA and all honors and AP classes, so unless the scholarship is based mainly on your portfolio or something, it seems pretty hard to get).</p>
<p>I’m currently only considering SVA and FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) because my parents really weren’t supportive and I couldn’t afford any more application fees on my own.
I accidentally submitted an incomplete application to FIT so I was waitlisted. FIT’s waitlisted applicants don’t find out if there’s room for them until at least May 12th and SVA’s priority enrollment ends on May 1st so it adds another complication to the matter hahah ugh.</p>
<p>What other schools are you considering? What other info/details have you found about SVA?</p>
<p>I remember reading that article as well, but there just seems something odd about the whole concept! Maybe I’ll just call and ask them lol! I hear that FIT is becoming more known for their other majors besides fashion and if you are really interested in fashion photography that might be a great fit since SVA doesn’t have a fashion major/department! SVA also has a fashion photo track that you can specialize in though. That is too bad that FIT wait-listed you for that. </p>
<p>I have also been accepted to SAIC, Art Center, & Ringling. Although it may have made the decision process more difficult I am kind of wishing I would have applied to more schools in hopes of receiving better/more financial aid. I think some of the Ivies cost less than most art schools even with scholarships haha?! As of now I only know what my whole financial aid package is from SAIC. I am still waiting to hear back from the other schools. SAIC’s graduate photo and their other majors are highly rated, but I’m not as impressed with their work as I am with other institutions and their job/internship opportunities aren’t what I’m looking for in a school.</p>
<p>What personally scares me the most about SVA is the large number (500+) of students in the photography department alone. The cost of living in NYC is proven to be very expensive. & It’s for-profit status.
I do like that there is no traditional foundation year. NYC offers so many opportunities. Even with the for-profit status and large student population they remain highly regarded in many fields/majors. They have great travel/study abroad opportunities. </p>
<p>Just comment if you have any more questions are just want to talk about art schools! I hope your decision will become easier! :)</p>