Swarthmore classes

Can any students recommend particular classes and professors? Also, are there any classes and or profs that should be avoided? Is there a course evaluation guide?

You don’t choose classes until the fall, so don’t stress about it. There isn’t a course evaluation guide but most students are able to point you in the right direction. Do you have departments of interest? That might help narrow down a search, but what are you asking for?

Just curious if there are great and/or terrible classes/profs that students can mention (all fields). Not decided about majors yet - perhaps math and/or philosophy.

Math teachers are great. I loved all my math professors so far. Super accessible, super understanding, super helpful. Don’t know much about philosophy but heard the classes are kind of drab in intro levels. Honestly there hasn’t been a course that i hated yet and all of them have been better than my high school courses.

teachers actually care about you

I agree with nerdybamboo, almost all of the profs here are great. It’s less that a professor is bad, but more that they don’t fit with a specific teaching style. I know I didn’t click with a PolySci prof but everyone else LOVES him, it’s just a matter of taste. I think Donna Jo Napoli is an all-around adored professor and Intro to Ed is a pretty well known class on campus that I think everyone should take.

I know that my Swatson #1 really enjoyed Ben Berger in the Political Science Dept. and Swatson #2 really enjoyed all his courses with Rachel Merz in the Bio dept. Those are just two off the top of my head. I know there were plenty more.