Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

That could be, but I’ve never heard that. Obviously that’s confusing and could lead someone to get the wrong idea that the school is paying for things (and some D3s do, sometimes).

Yes, I’ve seen this too!

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Congratulations on the 3 offers! As others have said, honor the deadlines of any offers. It may prevent your D from getting complete information from all programs but that is the nature of the recruiting process.

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Are you quoting actual outcomes your daughter has right now? Or one of your lists of possible outcomes for people reading thread?

Also, while being invited to a zoom with team is a good sign, it DOES NOT confirm offer; the phrase “We would like to offer you a spot on the team” from the coach confirms the offer!


OP can you please not go back (much later) and add new info to your posts. It makes it so confusing for anyone that has already read the post.

(Much like the post a few hundred back, where OP said there was at least one coach in the offer bucket, but then backpedaled…) I’m assuming there are no offers. I know the recent posts imply 3 offers but the language would be much clearer. “She has 3 offers!” And if she does have 3 offers then please, OP, make that clear. Stop making everyone guess what you mean. We all wish her the greatest success after such a long thread, but why not just be clear and concise about the status? Each new post is contradictory and vague… not sure if that’s deliberate.


[quote=“NYMom122, post:1840, topic:3623592”]

I wonder a bit about that.

I do wish them well, she seems to have a lot going for her, so I am sure it will all work!

Agreed. Different sport though. We have had experience as well as heard from other athletes where coaches invited the athlete to attend a one-on-one zoom meeting with each of the coaches and members of the team as well as hold separate zoom meetings to meet the athlete’s family where an offer did not come afterwards. There are many reasons why a coach might invite a lot more recruits to a zoom meeting than the actual number they are going to offer.

We have experienced coaches offering spots on the team without holding a single zoom meeting. We have also experienced coaches offering spots on the team before undergoing the mandatory pre-read process. The offers were contingent on passing the pre-read, but the coaches all seemed to have a good idea ahead of time what was needed to pass the pre-read. Although we never experienced this, we have heard from others that coaches have told recruits what scores they need in order to pass the pre-read. It’s not rocket science.


I think this thread is a cautionary tale about being so public about the recruiting process.

That is, it’s not a good idea.


Definitely. In our case, coaches told us what the offers were before the pre-read. Pre-read was more of a formality, but as soon as that was done, my kid was given a timeline for a commitment.


The process is just so variable…by governing body, division, conference, school, and sport. Timing of verbal offers, pre-read first or not, number of pre-reads given relative to number of coach supported slots, OV/zoom/nothing, test score/certain score required even at TO schools…it’s all over the place.

For example, NESCAC coaches can not make verbal offers before pre-reads. With that said, some may have done that, but they are risking their job. Other D3 coaches make offers without the benefit of the pre-read, especially ones at schools that aren’t very selective.


I’m not sure either. But I do know that a classic “unreliable narrator” makes for compelling summer reading material!


If a coach wants a recruit that badly, he/she will move heaven and earth to get that athlete.


The best way to avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding is to wait for D24 to accept her offer and commit to apply ED. That’s the only way to verify that she indeed passed pre-read, had coach support, had a real offer, and managed to commit to the offer before it expired. Technically, none of that is truly validated until the day she receives her admit email directly from admission.

None of the NESCACs and other academic D3’s that my kids did OV’s reimbursed airfare. They took care of transportation from and back to airport, room with team member and took care of meals. This was invite only and not based on my kids saying that they would be on campus on such and such a date and would like to meet the coach.


Or you could simply say “D has received an offer” without all the vague ambiguities, so that all the posters here who have invested so much time and information to you and this thread could congratulate your daughter! :smile:


Unless she hasn’t actually received an offer.


Based on her stats, times, and those of some programs mentioned, I’d wager she has been offered (and, good for her). If not, details have likely been omitted.

Obviously the back and forth is fun for the OP or he wouldn’t be sticking around. There’s simply no new advice to dispense.

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Yes, a good mystery novel with lots of twists and turns. I’m trying to figure out the ending but I have no idea.


D3 really didn’t have rules about campus visits like D1 schools did/do. They could have unlimited visits, schools could pay for everything, etc., but they rarely did. The one D3 overnight visit my daughter did I paid for transportation and dropped daughter at the campus, I stayed in a hotel, I met her on campus for a tour but no meals. She stayed with a friend (host) on the team. All her meals were provided and she attended a sporting event (but not sure there was a charge for that anyway). Although the rules for OVs didn’t apply, the coach liked to follow them, like only on campus for 48 hours, no gear, participate only in a captain’s practice (which was canceled because of weather). For a D2 visit, they didn’t have a place on campus so paid for a hotel, her meals, and I think that was it.

Even the D1 rules have changed a lot. I think they can have unlimited OVs, the schools can pay for their parents to attend and provide meals, etc. Different world now.

I don’t think it is unusual for some coaches to give offers in the summer and other to wait until the fall or even spring.

OP’s daughter is an international student. It’s unlikely she can visit in the fall.

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Just to add: my kid was D1. Official visits covered all expenses including my hotel.

I think what you describe is not atypical even of many D1 OVs, which of course can vary significantly by school and sport.