Swine Flu is Back!

<p>No, who does happy jack too.</p>

<p>Today Disneyland is launching its new fireworks show and we’ve officially switched over from analog TV. </p>


<p>And around the country, millions of elderly people confusedly push their remote controls.</p>

<p>They’re running constant ads telling you to buy converter boxes now.</p>

<p>Why did they push back the date for that in the first place? Wasn’t the converter switch suppose to be back in February?</p>

<p>^ Not enough people were ready.</p>

<p>I figured as much. </p>

<p>You think with all the advertising that’s been going on people would be.</p>

<p>Digital sucks. The quality is better - unless you weren’t getting good (though serviceable) reception. Sometimes you just don’t get any picture on the channel. Also, if a plane flies over, you lose the picture for a couple seconds. It’s also vastly inferior on windy days.</p>

<p>Yeah boiiii!</p>

<p>woah. this is a seriously hijacked thread we have here.</p>

<p>You seem like you’re surprised…</p>

<p>^ The first two posts were pretty good though.</p>

<p>it’s possible.</p>

<p>Who’s possible?</p>

<p>you, though it is likely that you do not exist.</p>

<p>Who are you?</p>

<p>Who who, who who.</p>

<p>Dr. Who…</p>

<p>overrated, anybody? everybody freaked out for the first 2-3 weeks, now no one cares even though its a pandemic. lol. lets hope we all stay safe - WASH YOUR HANDS!</p>

<p>^What are you talking about?</p>