Switching a major

<p>Kmcmom13, don’t get me wrong! I did want to pursue in music performance but i am having a hard trouble determining what i want the most. I really appreciate your help :)</p>

<p>Dnwjd83, the old “saw” I often hear about pursuing the study of music is:</p>

<p>“If a student can think of ANYTHING ELSE they might enjoy doing, they should do that instead. Only those who can’t live without it should pursue performance…”</p>

<p>That’s because a performance career can be a hard road. But then again, life in general can be a hard road, and I do believe to some degree that doing what you’re passionate about makes that hard road more bearable ;)</p>

<p>So you are wise to carefully consider your options.</p>

<p>In this case, I think in your shoes I would keep BOTH on record, matriculate, pursue the first year of the SOM degree (taking first year writing at LSA which is a distribution requirement in EITHER school)…and then consideri your options.</p>

<p>You don’t really technically have to do anything with respect to pursuing your LSA degree in your first year (depending on your language placement). If you later switch, your music-specific courses will be treated as electives. So you’re not really “wasting” anything, but by then you’d have a much better sense of whether a performance major fits your preference or not.</p>

<p>So you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.</p>

<p>BTW, my son maintained his second degree in LSA until last year, at which time he rescinded it because he was already getting the upper level production courses he wanted (his second degree was Film) in his performing arts production stream – and saw no real benefit to a fifth year for the second degree.</p>

<p>So there’s no reason not to stay dual-degree-enrolled until your are really certain about what you want to do!</p>