Switching from engineering major! Undecided on what major/minor to pursue

Just looking for peoples thoughts/advice on different major/minors. I’m halfway through my second semester freshman year as a mechanical engineering major and am considering a switch after I complete this semester. I was able to jump right into engineering courses so have a grasp on some engineering basic as well as solidworks/cam and c coding language (and controlling arduino stuff)…

As I’m going through all this coursework I’m feeling that I want to switch my major to straight up mathematics, but I’m unsure of what career I could actually pursue with that. I would like to back it up with something like business/finance/accounting/statistics and don’t know where the heck to go with it… I liked coding too but a CIS minor seems kinda stupid and I don’t know if i want to do it as a major.

Data science is a hot major, it involves statistics and coding.

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