Switching majors?

Recently I got accepted to University of Delaware and I’m really excited about it because it was one of my top choices. Right now my major would be psychology because that is what I put as my first choice on my application but now I’m wondering if I should have put my first major to nursing as I’m constantly swaying between psychology and something in health sciences. I really like psychology but I also like health sciences and jobs in the medical field so I’m kind of on the fence. I see that there is a major change request form on the UD portal but nursing isn’t there. I’m not sure if I should switch majors until I actually get into my freshman year of college or try to do it now. I know that nursing isn’t an option when attempting to change majors so would that mean that there is no way for me to go into that major?
Also, is there a major for general health sciences that I could possibly switch to that would qualify me to become a nurse, or do something medical like that at UD because I like health sciences/medical stuff I just don’t know what I would like to do exactly if that makes sense.