<p>I play viola (duh, it's in my sn) and this coming December my orchestra has been invited as one of two public (non-art school) full orchestras to play at the Midwest band and orchestra clinic. I was wondering if anyone in the musical field can tell me exactly how prestigious this program is, and how it will affect my college applications. I do not plan to major in music, and probably not even minor, but I have heard great things about scholarships for playing in a university orchestra regardless of major, and I would hate to attend a school without an orchestra. Do most colleges/univ have full orchestras? Are there any that might give me a significant scholarship for the fall semester '06? I haven't decided, but looking at prestigious schools ranging from UC to Harvard, falling back on UF because of Florida's scholarship program that guarantees a full ride plus money for books. Majoring in Biology or something Pre-Med.</p>
<p>Sorry for the long post. Thanks!</p>