Symphonic Orchestras

<p>I play viola (duh, it's in my sn) and this coming December my orchestra has been invited as one of two public (non-art school) full orchestras to play at the Midwest band and orchestra clinic. I was wondering if anyone in the musical field can tell me exactly how prestigious this program is, and how it will affect my college applications. I do not plan to major in music, and probably not even minor, but I have heard great things about scholarships for playing in a university orchestra regardless of major, and I would hate to attend a school without an orchestra. Do most colleges/univ have full orchestras? Are there any that might give me a significant scholarship for the fall semester '06? I haven't decided, but looking at prestigious schools ranging from UC to Harvard, falling back on UF because of Florida's scholarship program that guarantees a full ride plus money for books. Majoring in Biology or something Pre-Med.</p>

<p>Sorry for the long post. Thanks!</p>

<p>This is probably a significant thing for your orchestra-- that clinic is a pretty big deal. As for college admissions, I wouldn't count on it making much of a difference. If you play really well, that could help-- especially since you're a violist!
The fact that you're a violist who's had at least fairly serious orchestral training can't hurt... as for scholarship money, it will depend on the type of school. Two schools that might help you and might appeal to you are UC-Berkeley and Wash U.</p>

<p>Thank you. I'm starting a thread listing my stats and asking what colleges I should look into -- I just finished my junior year, so if you could take a look . . . unless you already have. Much appreciated.</p>