Tablet PC

<p>So I got a Toshiba Protege, tablet pc, which is bascially a lap top where i can turn the monitor around 360 degrees, flatten it, and write notes on the monitor with a pen they provide and those notes get saved on my hard drive. It's also very very light, roughly 4.5 pounds. However, screen is kinda small, low ram, etc. anybody have one/tell me their experience</p>

<p>I have one. I was required to buy one by my college. If it was not a requirement I would have sold it for a loss and bought another laptop by now, I hate it so much. They're overpriced, underpowered, too small, the writing feature is, in practice, pretty useless, the list goes on. If you can possibly back out, do.</p>

<p>You can probably upgrade the ram (i have a fijitsu and went from 1 to 2gb), the screen being small makes it portable and easy to write on, and I happen to love mine and know others that do too. You probably wasted your money on a Toshiba, everyone I know that owned one for VT hated theirs. Fijitsu is farrrr better.</p>

<p>My nephew has used a Toshiba M200 since he was a freshman (will be a senior this Fall). He gets a lot of use from his Tablet PC. The ability to write down notes and draw on the screen makes it ideal for students.</p>

<p>Laptop magazine just ran an article on students considering Tablets: </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The magazine interviews Tracy Hooten who started <a href=""&gt;;/a> when she was 18 and a petroleum engineering student at The University of Texas (Austin).</p>

<p>I have a Fujitsu Stylistic. Screen size about the size of loose leaf paper, under 2 lbs I think. It's a "slate"; not convertible. Works like a desktop with the docking station. I love it; I'm on it right now & use it daily.</p>

<p>Tablets are good for reading in bed./</p>

<p>ah very mixed feelings.</p>