Tailoring essay to Miami

<p>I have almost finished filling out the common app, but all I I've left is the essay. UMiami is the only college I'm applying to that uses the common app. I know that the common app suggests not to tailor to specific colleges, but I really feel that I can write pages about how great the school is, and I want that to reflect in my essay. Is the guideline on the common app there so that you don't accidentally send a tailored essay to a different college, or is it that the admissions officers don't like it when you tailor the essay?</p>

<p>Your essay is supposed to be about you. It’s supposed to make the admissions representatives feel like they have a better understanding of who you are and how you would fit in or contribute to their school. I really don’t think that flattery is going to get you very far, and they aren’t expecting you to go on and on about how great their school is. Write about something you do that you love, or that’s changed you, or just something you feel you could write a whole essay about.</p>

<p>I applied to several colleges using the Common App so obviously I didn’t tailor. I wrote about my experience being an editor on the school newspaper, and despite the fact it consumed my life, how incredibly rewarding and awesome it was. I really tried to give my essay a voice to make it sound like I was speaking right to that person. And they admitted me with a pretty good scholarship.</p>

<p>Would talking about my experience in boy scouts be better?</p>

<p>I definitely think it would be. Is Miami the only college you’re applying to? If not, you have other essays you wrote for applications you could use, too, unless they had really weird or specific questions.</p>

<p>The only other college I’m applying to doesn’t have an essay requirement.</p>

<p>instead of tailoring your essay to miami, i’d just send an additional paragraph explaining your particular interest in the school, etc.</p>

<p>Yeah. I’ve decided to talk about the impact that Scouting has had on my life and how it’s made me what I am today.</p>

<p>While talking about scouts would be very good, I would also try to work the marine bio angle into it. You are obviously very passionate about it and RSMAS. My daughter combined this into hers. She wanted to make sure they knew how very much she loved the area of study. RSMAS only has about 100 students, so you want to stand out. I think this might also help you for scholarships, showing interest. That is just a theory on my part though.</p>

<p>Also, did I read that right? You are only applying to 2 schools? :0</p>

<p>I don’t recommend putting all your eggs into so few baskets!!!</p>

<p>Yeah, I plan to work in how Scouts has allowed me to expand my interest in marine biology through allowing me to take merit badges such as SCUBA and Sailing. And yeah, I’m only applying to two schools. The other school I’m applying to is Coastal Carolina University, which is pretty much a near guarantee. I know people who’ve gotten in there who have stats that are a lot lower than mine.</p>

<p>My D did the same thing, only applied to UM and UNC-Wilmington - which was an okay school, but the Marine program is so much better at UM. We were sure she’d get into UM, it was a question of how much the scholarships would be. Turned out she was invited to S/S weekend. As we have spoken in the past MB444, you may remember that she didnt get either S or S, but did end up getting a “full” ride (tuition and fees) thanks to a generous non-need based grant that came in after the results from S/S came back.</p>

<p>I felt like we’d won the lottery when I paid the Fall semester bill a few weeks back. Good luck MB444 - I’m sure you’ll do just fine!

<p>Thanks! And what was the non-need based grant that you recieved? Was it given through the school?</p>

<p>It is one of the new ones (Fall 2011) called the “Miami Grant”:
[Grants</a> | Enrollment Management | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/index.php/office_of_financial_assistance/ug/ug_aid/ug_grants/]Grants”>http://www.miami.edu/index.php/office_of_financial_assistance/ug/ug_aid/ug_grants/)
Amounts vary to the discretion of the financial aid and admissions offices.

<p>That’s interesting, so pretty much it’s more money for merit aid?</p>

<p>That’s the way it worked out for us, yes.</p>