UMiami Application

<p>Well I have started my Miami application, and I was wondering how a few things work...</p>

<p>I'm doing the online application, but I was wondering about the counselor form and other teacher recommendations. </p>

<p>Do I just mail a big envelope with the counselor form, my transcript, and my recommendation letters?</p>

<p>I'm also wondering if I should throw in another sheet with the EC's that didn't fit on the application....good or bad idea?</p>

<p>thanks...and by the way I'm applying Early Action. According to collegeboard the acceptance rate for EA was 57% last year, while the overall rate was 40%.</p>

<p>High Schools have different college app procedures so you should definitely check with yours. Our HS submits transcripts including school profile and recs directly in one package. The students submit apps, essays, fees and any additional info. Other schools submit everything and yet others give the students everything to submit.</p>

<p>My S submitted a separate EC resume along with a short "Why UM" essay. I think as long as you keep any extras to a minimum, they would be welcome. Remember to label each sheet with your name and ID or SS number. Good luck and congrats on getting an early start.</p>

<p>My D got an email from UM inviting her to apply now and giving her a UM ID to use. She also got the same letter in the mail yesterday. She did the online application yesterday, this seemed to be encouraged by UM (to do online applications and it was 10$ cheaper). The application was the same as the PDF doc but it was one 4 page online application (instead of a Part 1 and Part 2 written one). You are able to go back and edit this application anytime until you submit it (then you are locked out). After she clicked submit, a page popped up for her to pay ($55) by credit card, which she did and then we received confirmation emails for both the CC and the application. She was also able to print out the entire application (it had a place to cut/paste her essay from her word doc). Easy enough. She already submitted (to her college guidance counselor) the recommendation forms and her resume (to be added to the file) along with the action request form for sending her transcripts. SAT scores were sent last May. Now, we wait. Incidently, one email said that they do NOT give decisions online...only by letter (snail mail). Wonder if this is new this year?</p>

<p>They said the same last year and the year before:</p>

- Sometimes you get an email from admissions counselor congradulating u (if accepted).
- In my case, when I logged onto MYUM, before taking me to the main screen, a new screen came up... Saying Congrats, Your a Cane!
big welcome letter and an accepted Canes website link...
- Other times you get neither and u just get the snail mail.</p>

<p>Generally they do not release decisions. its not like other schools were u log on and it will blatanly tell u, uve been rejected, waitlisted etc.. </p>

<p>But hey it could be more nerve wrecking.. at Michigan State, when u check the status all it says is this: We have sent a decision to your mailing address. thats pretty scary :P in the end it was an acceptance but it really kept me nervous... :)</p>

<p>Acarta is right, UM does not intentionally give decisions online. They send snail mail acceptance packets, nice big folders, with instructions to log into MYUM for more acceptance and deposit info. When the kids log in, a screen pops up that says "Congratulations, you're a Cane!". Some kids find out online by trying to access that info before their official decision arrives in the mail. If they get the Congrats screen, they know they are in. The screen usually only precedes the mailed packet by 2-3 days and only appears the first time you log in after you're accepted, so you may want to print it.</p>

<p>Seiclan-Did she apply ED or EA?</p>

<p>She applied EA (non-binding). They have already listed her application materials as received online (myUM). She is not sure that Miami is where she wants to be at this point since it is only a 50 minute drive from our home. The School of Nursing and Health Sciences looks terrific though. She is going for a general Health Science major since she is not quite sure which direction she wants to go yet. She is between pharmacy, nutrition, research and medicine (all graduate school degrees). She is also applying to a few Florida publics too. We shall see what her options are come February.</p>