Take practice tests all at once?

<p>ok...so I've pretty much read the entire PR SAT prep book in the past week and I plan on taking a practice test tomorrow...should I take it all at one time or take one section at a time through out the day?...4 hours is kinda ridiculous...</p>

<p>take it all at once. it might seem ridiculous to you now, but the actual test is in one big block and it's better to get accustomed to the long stretches of test-taking before march 12 (so your brain won't quit halfway thru the real thing). i THINK you take a five minute break after the second section and a one minute break after the fourth and sixth...</p>

<p>I agree that you should take it all at once, timed, as you would the real test. That way there are no surprises and you're better prepared.</p>

<p>defintely.. and try to simulated a stressful situation too..</p>

<p>Take it all at once and try to do it under real test conditions. If you can't knock the whole thing off in one sitting, how will you be able to do it when you take the real test? Also, taking it under real conditions will increase the correlation between your practice and real scores.</p>

<p>The book I have (Barrons) says to take 1-minute breaks between each section and a 10-minute break after the forth section. Not sure how close that is to the real thing, though.</p>

<p>I agree don't take it during seperate days. Also, don't sit on your bed, or some big soft chair, sit in a normal chair, like it'll actually be on test day</p>