taken PUBLIC HEALTH 142? did you attend lecture? okay to take diff class same time?

<p>I am thinking of taking public health 142 this fall. However, I also want to take a different class at the same time on M/W.
Has anyone taken PB HLTH 142? If so, do you need to attend lecture everyday? (I hear the class is really easy but just want to know if attendance is taken and if attending lectures helped)
thanks :)</p>

<p>Have you made sure that both classes don’t have conflicting final exam schedule’s? They assign final exam schedules by time slot that class is in since they assume most people don’t take two classes at the same time. Conflicting schedules is kind of risky in that there are hidden issues such as final exam, midterms and the such that you don’t know about until you sign up.</p>

<p>pb hlth 142 is full… unless you’re a grad student.</p>

<p>i am already enrolled in pub hlt 142
but I am debating whether to take UGBA 103 also.
but i just looked and the final exam dates DO conflict. looks like I will be taking Econ 136 (financial economics) instead of BA 103. hopefully i get in, there are 36ppl on waitlist :(</p>