I’m taking Japanese right now, and next semester I will have gone through 1.5 years of “official” Japanese study. I want to take Korean as well, and I’ve heard that their grammar systems are similar, but I don’t know if this is a good idea. Should I take Korean after I’ve finished this semester? Or finish my 2 years of Japanese study and then take Korean?
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if you’re not used to learning more than one language simultaneously, I’d say wait until you’re at a proficient enough level in Japanese before taking Korean. I started learning Korean after I finished my advanced Japanese courses in uni, but that was because my uni didn’t offer Korean classes and I didn’t get to learn it until I went on a study sbroad program to South Korea. There’s a lot of words in Korean that are similar to Japanese that can mess you up if you’re not good at differentiating between two different languages, e.g. しゃしん (shashin) and 사진 (sajin) which both means photo.
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