Okay, so my school only offers AP calculus, which I probably won’t be taking as I’m not very good at math. If I did want to test outside of school, I would have to pay a lot of money for tutoring/classes (I live in a small town, and prep centers are around $1500-2000), or attempt to self-learn. A lot of my people at my school have already been getting outside help for AP tests for 1-2 years, and it seems like it’s really important for uni. I don’t know why my school doesn’t offer any AP classes, but I believe it’s the path all the good students take, because we can request to have our school let us take AP tests (they can book a test for you to take in school, but won’t give you classes for it).
I feel like I really should do AP. I’m already behind in my ‘high school class track’ because most everyone else took pre-requisites online or during the summer. Now, I’m stuck in classes with a lot of people who don’t care about grades or are in ELL, because the school assumed everyone who was a good student already took them. I feel so behind, and I will be even more if I don’t do some APs… Also, my friends from other schools have been taking pre-AP or AP for at least a year already.
Also, how hard are AP tests? I’ve tried some online, and flunked really bad (w/o prep), but other people in my school go through 3-5 per year without breaking a sweat. Should I do this? Any advice on how difficult it will be if I self-learn?
If I choose to go AP, I’ll probably do AP Psych and/or APUSH. :-S