Taking both the SAT and ACT

I was just wondering if there are any colleges that require students to take BOTH the SAT and ACT.

No. All US colleges require either. Some, however, will require you to send all scores so if you take both tests you will will need to send both results.

Thanks so much! Does taking a certain one or both strengthen your application? Do you get the same credit for taking either the SAT or ACT, or both?

Same credit. You can call and ask if the school prefers one over the other in actuality but you’ll get the same response which is that neither is preferred and either is fine. We know kids who have scored big on the ACT and that’s what they submitted. They are attending top uni’s.

The only time the SAT specifically is required would be for reaching Finalist standing in the National Merit competition. But that’s not college admissions (although being named a semifinalist will really help your application :D/ ).

Thank you!