Taking college courses as a high school student will help get into top universities?

<p>My daughter is going to be a sophomore. She wants to take community college courses during the summer. She said it may help her to get into selective colleges? Is this true? Her school doesn't offer AP classes. Thank you for your advise! Johnny</p>

<p>Depending on the courses she takes, it will help her. ex If she takes the equivalent of Spanish III at her school it won’t help her anymore than the course at her school will.</p>

<p>It may depend on:</p>

<li>Whether the courses are normally transferable, at least to the state flagship.</li>
<li>Whether she has exhausted the offerings in any subject(s) at the high school and wants to take more advanced courses in those subjects.</li>
<li>What her college academic interests are, in relation to which courses she may take.</li>
<li>What she would otherwise do if she did not take the courses.</li>
<li>How well she does in those courses.</li>