Taking foreign language requirement as a P/NP option for UCLA and Berkeley?

So I am taking an overload of units this semester,and my Spanish class is looking to be really tough already, as my professor teaches it as if everyone in the class has experience in the language before (I took french in high school). Now because this is my last semester before hopefully transferring, it is imperative for me to maintain my 4.0. Since my college does in fact count the “P” option as a C, it will fulfill my IGETC foreign language requirement without a doubt, especially cuz in my school one semester of this 5-unit spanish 101 class clears the foreign language part. (This part is important cuz UCs only see the P option as valid if your school considers it a “C”).
Do you guys know if UCB and UCLA looks down on this? Will it have any negative impact at all? I mean sure, getting an A obviously looks way better, but will taking Spanish 101 as a P decrease my chances of UCB or UCLA in any way? Please let me know your guys input. I’ve heard some stories that the UCs just act like the Ps are a C when looking at your app, but i doubt that is the case. BTW I’m not an English major, so this spanish class is not a prereq for me, I only need it to complete my IGETC.