<p>I know that some schools, such as UC Berkeley do not allow students to take general chem and general bio at the same time. At Cal for example, students must take general chem and organic chem in order to take general biology. This seems like a weird requirement.</p>
<p>I am just wondering, are students allowed to take general chem and bio at the same time at Chicago?</p>
<p>I can’t imagine why not-- I’ve never heard about restrictions.</p>
I’m a first-year, and I have a first-year friend who is currently taking calc, hum, bio, and gen chem. We don’t see her around much - she has quite the workload.</p>
<p>If you want a first hand account, I am almost positive that Gracello, one of the active PSAC members on this thread, is taking both. </p>
<p>I am sure she would give you some more insight.</p>
<p>You’re right- I’m a second year taking gen chem and majors sequence bio at the same time. There are two versions of majors sequence bio, one of which suggests that you have a chem class beforehand (well, and meets at the same time as gen chem anyway) and one of which does not. Thematically both sequences are the same.
You can definitely do this. It IS a lot of work, but it’s possible. If you’re interested in majoring in bio you’ll need to take chem and the majors bio sequence anyway, so it’s really more a question of when you’ll take the classes, and with what- some people take both as first years to avoid having to take the harder majors sequence bio classes (cell and molecular bio and genetics, which are the first and second quarters of the 5-quarter majors sequence) concurrently with their first two quarters of organic chemistry, for example. I was just lazy* and didn’t figure out that I wanted to be a bio major/premed until the end of last year, and so got stuck being the second year in gen chem and bio at the same time 
Let me know if you have any more questions.
*(ok, no, I wasn’t ACTUALLY lazy, I just say that- this is a totally appropriate route to take).</p>
<p>gracello: Thank you for your insights. They are extremely clear! No problemo~</p>
<p>d took the AP 5 Bio sequence and Honors Gen chem her first year. She survived quite well and actually got a lot out of both courses. She’s a glutton for punishment, though, and went on to take honors o chem even though she was not a chem major…</p>