Taking Summer Courses to Boost GPA?

<p>I didn't do as well as I had hoped last year and I'm a bit worried that this coming year (in which I have a tougher schedule), my GPA will either fall below the 3.0 I need for my scholarship or the GPA "requirement" needed to get into graduate schools. The closer and closer classes get to starting up again, the more worried I get. </p>

<p>I've been putting off summer courses because they're super expensive through the University and I'd probably either have to take out a loan or scramble to pay it off in the next couple of weeks. </p>

<p>I don't have a whole lot of time to decide whether I want to do this or not, so I was just looking for opinions on whether it is recommended or not to take summer courses to boost your GPA up 0.1 point (3.2 to a 3.3 in my case) when money is an issue...</p>


<p>Are classes still open at your community college? Would your university accept credits from that institution?</p>

<p>Courses from the community college don’t factor into GPA at the University, which is why I’d have to take a course offered directly from the University.</p>