Taking too many classes for first semester?

<p>Currently my schedule is:</p>

<p>Bio 116 (first semester of intro bio), w/ lab
Chem 120 (advanced chem, 1st semester) w/ lab
Calc 222 (2nd semester calc)
Psychology 100</p>

<p>My brother is taking elementary linear algebra and I could fit it in my schedule, but should I take the extra class load? This is my first semester at college. The guy teaching ELA is supposed to be pretty tough, and I guess while psych isn't real tough, it's hard to get an A because the only grades are 3 tests.</p>

<p>I took AP calc and we studied a bit beyond where calc 2 picks up and I've studied chem some over the summer so I should be okay with those two. Bio is supposed to be pretty hard because about a fifth of the class is taking it...</p>

<p>My adviser said my study time for science classes should be about 3 hours for each in class, and ELA would put me at 4 science classes so that would be about 50 hours a week studying not counting psych. Is this an accurate prediction? Is 2:1 study to class time more realistic? (Generally, I skim the text, then read the text, then make an outline of the text on my computer, and then do problems).</p>

<p>Grades are important to me, but my schedule will likely be very full next year (orgo 1,2, physics 1,2, cell bio, genetics, vertebrate biology, human physiology) so I can take the mcats the august before junior year, and I'm interested in taking ELA. 2nd semester this year i was planning on bio 118, chem 122, calc 223, freshmen seminar (need this i think), and statistics & probability (same dilemma as ELA).</p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>Well Although I can't help you it does look like you are really packing your schedule pretty full. I tried to take Bio and Chem at the same time but the damn advisor wouldn't let me ( state school ). So I am now doing Calc and Chem in terms of pre-med courses. I've been told that each credit is equal to about an hour's worth of studying and not to mention the labs which take hours as it is. But overall I think that it really depends how strong acedemically and maybe even which school you will go to. </p>

<p>I was planning on trying to do all the courses in two years like you planned but I had some problems so it didn't work out. I think you might be pushing you classes only because you might end up literally studying 7hrs+ each day with those classes but again I suppose it depends on how quickly and efficiently you can learn. I hope I made some sense and helped you out =)</p>

<p>1.) Physics before the MCAT may not be necessary, depending on your circumstances.</p>

<p>2.) Cell biology/genetics are often one class.</p>

<p>3.) What's vertebrate biology? If this is an anatomy class, it's not necessary for the MCAT.</p>

<p>1) I need to get in two semesters of physics at some point; my major requires them, and they take up my two non-major science requirements. I could take them junior year but I'd rather just move on to higher level classes.</p>

<p>2) At my school they're split up: genetics is offered in the fall and cell bio in the spring. I'd be nice if they were one because cell bio is an important prerequisite.</p>

<p>3) I can't take animal physiology until i've taken cell bio which is only offered in the spring so vertebrate biology and human physiology is as close as I can get; they both claim to offer some animal physiology. Rereading the course decriptions it sounds like I should really only take human physiology. I would like to pick up diff eq. if I could but human physiology and differential eq. are both only offered in the spring.</p>

<p>My brother suggested I take ELA, instead of psych (I think). It's very likely that I won't even be able to get into ELA (its full so I just have to show up and see if there's room). Really both classes don't seem to make much sense as far as med school admissions and getting my requirements go but i don't have a ton of options.</p>

<p>Bio and Chem together is not a good idea.</p>

<p>It also happens to be a necessity for at least some points during your college career...</p>

<p>I'm gonna be dealing with a lot of bio and chem together -I'm a biochemistry major lol.</p>

<p>ultimately whatever combination u get. don't take orgo and phys in the same semester!</p>

<p>i got orgo and phys in the same day for finals. orgo was a 9 AM final and phys was a 6 PM one.</p>