<p>One of the founding fathers, John Adams, was short, and rotund, but he was tall enough to play a signficant role in teaching the King of England a painful lesson.</p>
<p>It deserves mention that Napoleon wasn’t as short in reality as he was in lore. He was actually of average height for his time. </p>
<p>It was an issue of the British and French using different measurement systems for height, and the British press miscalculating his actual height. This perception of Napoleon was strengthened by numerous British polotical cartoons painting him up to be short, and the fact that his personal guard (with whom he was frequently depicted) were selected for their imposing stature.</p>
<p>Carry on.</p>
<p>well on that note</p>
<p>“Short people got… no reason to…”</p>
<p>Napoleon wasn’t even that short overall, just saying. Seems like shorter people can be just as sucessful as taller people. However, being taller would be similar to be more attractive. Both are an advantage. However, there’s a limit in terms of height.</p>
<p>Napoleon was about 5’7".</p>
<p>^Which for the time period he lived was average.</p>
<p>Trollers gonna ■■■■■. Haters gonna hate. Lovers gonna love.</p>
<p>I’ve seen more 6’+ homeless people than I’ve seen under 6’ homeless people.</p>
<p>It’s all up to the individual to which level of success he/she reaches.</p>
<p>All I know is, tall guys have a hard time experiencing the great feeling of banging a chick taller than themselves.</p>
<p>Short man syndrome is not what companies are looking for and thats why tall people make more money.</p>
Im 6’4" :D</p>
And by these assumptions, people give themselves limits and excuses…
“Oh all the students at my school who went to great colleges played a musical instrument. I don’t play a musical instrument, I guess that’s why I won’t/didn’t get in to my dream school.”</p>
On the defense of short people: it’s hard to imagine that when you’re tailoring your own pair? lol</p>
<p>Bellyflop, you and I are both the tallest people here.</p>
<p>I guess we are the new leaders.</p>
<p>If this was real life, we’d be ordering these guys around</p>
<p>But shorter than the avg. aristocrat/noble.</p>
<p>Due to better nutrition, the elite had a height advantage over the avg. laborer.</p>
<p>I always thought success was based off how great your smile was.</p>
<p>smiles look better when u have to look up to see them</p>
<p>There’s definitely some truth in this.</p>
<p>improved nutrition contributes to the increase in height of the average man. therefore, it’s more likely that tall people come from more affluent backgrounds.</p>
<p>Also, imagine a short guy dating a chick who’s taller than him… It just doesn’t look right, especially with women wearing heels nowadays. So natural selection has something to do with it too. and what’s with women and their stupid heels, fake makeup and their damn silicon???</p>
<p>Natural selection is dead. Its pretty easy for people that aren’t desirable natural selection wise to hook up with others that aren’t desirable natural selection wise.</p>
<p>Check out this video made by really TALL current students: </p>
<p>[Why</a> Choose Columbia Business School #WhyCBS - YouTube](<a href=“Why Choose Columbia Business School #WhyCBS - YouTube”>Why Choose Columbia Business School #WhyCBS - YouTube)</p>
<p>did someone just use natural selection and hooking up in the same sentence? word…</p>
<p>oh you’re talking about ‘accidents’. Why of course that’s the essence of natural selection among humans!</p>
<p>^ well I was already kind of sounding like an ass, I didn’t want to start using the word “breeding” or “mating” or something</p>
<p>^^melmed, spamming a video for Columbia just makes me think less of the school</p>
<p>right, so hooking up sounds a lot better; it just makes you sound so insightful and intelligent doesn’t it. By your logic, stupid people would easily produce babies with each other, and this generation of people would be comparable to that of 100s of years ago.</p>