TAMU- 2024 After you've been accepted... questions and answers

For those non-engineering students that recently got Blinn-TEAM, will they receive an A&M admission banner or is that just for full admits?

Yes, team and academy will get banners because they are Aggies! Whoop!!!

Question about housing - my son has been accepted to the gateway program and we are still considering whether or not to accept the offer. I have read how important it is for students to secure their housing. I am not sure how this all works but can we apply for housing before he accepts his offer of admission?

You can apply now and hold his place by filling out Phase One of the housing application. You’ll have to make a non-refundable $75 deposit, but so long as you cancel his reservation by May 1st, it won’t cost anything more.

Thank you. I have read that freshman housing is not guaranteed. I hope we are not too late in this process for on campus housing. This is my first going through the college application process and I am learning a lot!

First… gateway is an extraordinary program! Congrats. It is a coveted offer so really research and think through it all before deciding no. I wish my kids went through it. Especially for the first kid in immediate family going. Really helps with the transition.

Secondly, I don’t think housing will be an issue. You may not get top choice but most do get a dorm on campus. And worst case, there are 2 other options on university property but not “on campus” housing online park west and Callaway house. Park west is new and tons of amenities.

As soon as you complete phase 1 and pay deposit you’ll be with everyone else in this process. No real advantage.

My DD is a Blinn Team- which automatically changed her major to “General Studies”.

Q1: Does the Locked/ Fixed rate stay at the rate for “General Studies” the entire 4 years?

The reason I ask is because she plans on doing Public Health and the tuition rate is different than GS. Does it change when she changes majors?

Has anyone else found that the on-campus housing for NSC is full? Will they open up more rooms? We are registered for June 2-3 and every option is unavailable.

Fixed and variable are locked for the 4 years but will change with major. Tutoring should stay the same it’s the extra fees for labs or whatever that could change in my experience.

I think one of the reasons he is concerned about accepting the Gateway offer is more the lack of OOS students at TAMU in general. He is concerned that many of the students will already have a large group of kids they know from their local high schools. We have read so little about the OOS experience for TAMU students. I have read the total number of OOS is only around 5% .

I would love to hear from parents of current OOS students - curious how the transition was for them and are they enjoying it?

TAMU CSTAT is massive, those kids won’t know each other from high school unless they seek that out. That being said, are you going to consider OOS $$ for gateway at Galveston vs instate in NJ? And you have visited?

The gateway offer is for College Station not Galveston. Yes we have visited and he really loved it. Especially the football games

Oh, sorry, right, so that still means there is 100 limited transfer spots into Mays though, right? From ANY other major within TAMU?

Our daughter did Gateway 5 years ago and loved it. She only knew one other student from her high school. If they’re only accepting 200 students this year for Gateway, no one will know anyone most likely. The big plus is that your student will feel so much more at ease at the campus when fall rolls around. They’ll feel like they’re almost an upper class man. If your kiddo wants to attend A&M, don’t let them pass up the Gateway opportunity. It was 5 short weeks of classes and our daughter made so many new friends while doing it.

When our DD was accepted finally last week into Engineering Blinn team, we immediately filled out her Phase I of housing and it actually said that she was “guaranteed on campus housing.” I was shocked to actually read that! I think that if you sign up now, you’ll be fine with housing. You might not get your first or second choice, but you’ll get housing on campus.

@NJmom4574 A&M is one of the friendliest campuses I’ve seen. I base that on people I have met that go there or graduated from there, and from the times we’ve visited the campus. Another thing to consider is there is a pretty high number of homeschool graduates that go there, and they are great at always making new friends. A&M just doesn’t feel very “cliquey” if that makes sense. Texas is such a big state (30 million people), you will have kids from the big cities, urban areas, the piney woods, liberal Austinites, west Texas, rural areas, and they all find new friends. You might want to join one of the Aggie Parents FB groups because I have seen a lot of OOS parents on there, so they might be able to share more first hand experience. There is an Aggie Parents for Class of 2024 and a bigger Aggie Parents Questions group and also a Aggie Parents of Engineering Students.

Does anyone know when Phase III for housing starts? We are logged into the housing portal, but it do not see where we completed Phase II, or when Phase III starts. I am 100% sure we completed Phase II, just don’t see where it is listed.

You won’t see that Phase 2 is complete until you click through a few pages of your housing application, till it takes you through your likes and preferences page. Then you will see the check marks at the top of the page that show you’ve completed the items in Phase 2. On the last page it should say that Phase 2 is complete and that Phase 3 will open up soon. Unfortunately, it does not say exactly when. We are in the same boat. I’m not sure if the next phase will open up on a rolling basis like the room selection will. It might so as not to overload the website with all students trying to get into it at the same time.

Thank you! I have seen it before, but couldn’t remember where it was. Makes me nervous to open up the application again; don’t want to somehow reset what we’ve done.

Hi! Has anyone gotten notification from the University Honors Program yet? The website says that applicants will be notified by March 31st.