TAMU Class of 2022 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@Thelma2 were any of the people denied all engineering options automatic admits?

@Mommyof2girls My son’s Howdy did not give him the option to setup his e-mail until a few weeks after he accepted his admission. His e-mail address is the same as his AIS username, I wish he had of known that so he could of made it something else.

Good luck to those of you still waiting, I know how hard the wait is. Fingers crossed they start getting those decisions out very soon. Of course they are closed today due to inclement weather which doesn’t help. :frowning:

Hey y’all, I’m very confused as to why I haven’t been accepted to my major yet. Not to say I deserve it more than others accepted already or anything.

Major: Computer Science
Rank: 27/620 (top 5%)
ACT: 34 Composite
35 Math
35 Reading
35 English
31 Science
9/12 on essay I think (?)
Been in computer science classes since freshman year, except for junior year.
Didn’t take the AP for comp sci because it didn’t count for any classes required in the comp sci major so I didn’t wanna drop $100 for seemingly nothing.
Only ECs are Academic Decathlon (co-pres senior year) and went to a few French competitions.
No volunteer hours or work history.
AP Scores:
Physics 1: 5
Chemistry: 5
US History: 4
English Lang: 4
Senior courses: AP English Lit, AP Physics C mech & elec, AP Calc BC, Comp Sci 3 Honors, AP Macroeconomics, AP Govt, speech, academic decathlon, dance 1 (haha I know)
My application was 100% complete by mid July.
Also I’m an Asian female.

I’m honestly confused as to why I haven’t been offered at least general engineering yet. I get my ECs are lacking and the other extra stuff is as well. My PAI will definitely be low, but I thought my academic history would make up for it. People with less academic merit are getting in because of a couple ECs so I thought it could work the other way around too.

I guess all I’m looking for here is whether y’all think I’m crazy for thinking I should have gotten my major by now or not.

yes, @TAMUprospect11 of all of those who post on CC over the past 3 cycles, I cannot think of one (nor are they recorded on my sheet) of any review, auto or academic admits), who posted that they were completely denied all engineering possibilities and asked to pick another major.

That said, there are posters who post their stats and then never come back to report their decisions. As unhappy as it is for some, and while the stats I try to keep are not scientific, they do give an insight to some trends.

I cannot tell you why some auto admits are refused engineering and asked to chose another major. It could be because of their math/physics readiness or other factors in their application. It has been mentioned by credible posters on this forum of people they new who were auto admits and were denied all admission offers for engineering. I am sure there are many factors among them. That they didn’t even get a Blinn Engr Academy offer says something really must have been lacking.

Update: I just found one from class 2021 who applied early Oct to engineering and lists no stats other than they are a review applicant and got the deferment letter. Clicking on their name, I found a post where they are offered PSA and none of the engineering admissions offers. I had not included this applicant in my spreadsheet because they never came back with a decision but I found it in another thread altogether.

@lostfirstchild When did you apply (Early Decision or Regular Decision)?
Only a few have come out since the admin went back to school and school is closed today, the first day of semester.
Did you receive a deferral notice?
With the extended application deadline for all applicants to January 2, due to Hurricane Harvey, decisions may be delayed from the time period last year.
Your stats look really good and an offer to CStat General engineering would seem likely. Last year, most of the decisions were Jan 17-24. Like I said, who knows what this year will be, due to the extended application period.

@seniormom1823 and @mlaformatpls Would you please, if you don’t mind, post your stats? You can PM me if you are more comfortable doing that.

@lostfirstchild Assuming you have been accepted to the university, correct? Your only next option will be acceptance to general engineering. I’m surprised you weren’t notified when the first notifications came out – I’d call to check on your status. They might have more insight. Your lack of items on the “non-test score/rank sections” could be holding you back, it is holistic review to the general engineering major so you will lose ground to those with more involvement beyond academics. You should of had a couple of communications by now -acceptance to the university & deferral letter if your file was complete by Oct. 15.

@lostfirstchild Are you in state?

@Thelma2 I applied early decision and got a deferral notice. Thank you! Honestly I’m just surprised it has been so long without any word except for my deferral.

@AGmomx2 yes I was accepted to the university back in Augustish. And thank you I’ll call and find out what I can.

@hopeTAMUengmom yes I am.

@lostfirstchild that’s really odd. Even if you don’t have a bunch of ec’s your scores are really good. It is holistic but in my opinion I think acedinics hold the majority of the decision, since the school is really rigerious. I’m sorry it’s taking this long but if it makes you feel better the dates have been pushed back because if the application due date was pushed back and they have more applicants. Ec’s can hurt you, but in your case I’m surprised they haven’t accepted you

@TAMUprospect11 thank you! I’m glad to know that I’m not crazy for expecting an answer by now.

I am trackig 81 engineering applicants on this forum currently. Of the 81, 40 have received decisions. The remainder are roughly 15 auto/academic admits who are waiting on a decision all early action and the remainder review applicants. I don’t know why you have not received a decision but it was the same last year. There were several high stat applicants who were auto/academic admits who applied early decision and were differed. The deadline extension has only exacerbated the wait in the decision process, I imagine.

@lostfirstchild Obviously none of us know for sure but I would imagine the decision you want is coming and just delayed. I don’t think anyone has enough data to know why some get accepted before others but it’s still early. You have some impressive scores, hang in there!

Just talked with an A&M rep today (face-to-face) and he said that EVERY engineering student should have a notification of acceptance(or not) by the end of this month! (Can’t wait as I applied early and was deferred…I’m an auto-admit)

Wow - so hope this is true! Thanks for sharing the info - need to make plans for wherever my son ends up!! Good luck to everyone!

When did you apply: January 2nd… lol (I’m a big procrastinator)
When did you get your UIN: idk a little while after I applied
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: today!!! so exciting, it’s my first decision :slight_smile:
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Auto-admit I think? Not sure
Major/College of Choice: computer science but it’s under review… I probably shouldn’t have applied so late bc I think it’s rolling?
Did you get in: Yes! :smiley:
Honors program: haven’t heard yet but i did apply
Class Rank: school doesn’t rank, but i know im top 9% or better
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 31 (31 M too)

Post above me sounds fake.

Looking at the past comments made, abigfailure is an OOS applicant who didn’t research the university much. “Under review” is NOT admission to engineering-- they should not of put ‘today’ in that slot on the chart. They were an auto-admit by score & rank - just got admission to the university only since it states under review for major. Computer Science is not rolling admissions – it is in the College of Engineering. (if you click on their name you can see past posts, one of which is to a UC school stating in-state)

My son has a 1330 and 31 scores…Applied to Engineering in July and still has not heard… He has lots of AP credits and 3.2 GPA. We were told we had to wait for decision due to Hurricane delays.

I’m out…tired of waiting… accepting Purdue, giving up on TAMU. Good luck everyone.