TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@george828 Engineering Review began with class 2021. Before that, engineering was filled on a first come, first served basis, like all other majors, and mostly by auto admits and academic admits, as they were admitted to the university and it was typically full by mid November, just like other limited seat majors, like Mays Business School. What is your math sub score and does your school offer calculus? If so, why have you not taken it?

Prior to engineering review for the major, engineering had a 55% retention rate after sophomore year. While a lot of students were able to stay in the program, a lot of them were not and were removed from the program because they could not satisfy the requirements or they determined the program was not for them and they changed majors.

Freshman year, in calculus 151, first semester, my current Junior engineer lost nearly a third of his classmates. In the engineering class, which is all time consuming group projects, Profs grouped 1-2 times all semester. Groups of 12 would lose members, so that there may be 5 or 6 or 3 working on a project and doing the work of 12. He was lucky that his group went only to 9. The projects require a lot of outside of class time so getting together to work was always a challenge.

The major is looking for a studentā€™s readiness for the freshmen classes of calculus and physics in the major to hit the ground running. It is nothing like a STEM academy at a high school or any high school AP class. The Engineering major will dictate to a student, despite his/her interest/passion, if they are right for the major.

In a Calculus class, a studentā€™s grades comprised of are 3 semester exams and the final.
Homework is 10-15% of the grade. They donā€™t care if you do it or not. Grades are not padded with such work.

Engineering calculus weeds out a lot of students from the major the first year. The classes are hard. It is very difficult and very time consuming. There are many students who do very well, there are students who struggle and make it by and there are students who are not math minded who struggle and leave the major.

I belong to a closed Aggie parent group as well as a closed Aggie parent engineering group and I see it every semester.

@SKE123 Yes, you can be BLINN TEAM and be in the Corps. You house, formation/drills and dine with your Unit ontbe Quad. Youā€™re released for the day to go to class, return for workout, supper, mandatory study hours, then lights out by a designated time. Call or schedule a day to go to A&M and BLINN. Speak to a Corps advisor at A&M and tour the quad, dorms and both campuses. My daughter went Jan 4th and is determined to be in the Corps and USAF-ROTC. She is holistic review and we are still waiting to hear.

My son got admitted yesterday. It says 2019 Fall, General Engineering(AAE) EN BAC College Station. SAT 1460 (780 Math), 14 AP courses, 28% ranking(tough school). Does this mean he is admitted by the college station, not Blinn team?

@thefox77 Did you receive an email from A&M to check your admissions status or did you just happen to see your admissions status when accessing the Howdy portal? Thanks.

@Erinmom101 I honestly believe sheā€™ll get full admit. Her rank is sooo close and her test score isnā€™t that far from average. My son was 1200 at 14% rank. His ACT was 28. Her whole application looks solid and well rounded. Best of luck and keep us posted please!

@ske123 I believe you can be in the corps if blinn team. You are a student of tamu and can live on campus. I can double check that, but I believe that itā€™s not an issue.

@AggieJoe My son is a freshman. He was got in the december wave in 2017. Is that what you mean? Also, when he applied, he had Mays as first choice and AgBusiness as his second. After he got AGbusā€¦ he switched it in January to Econ and set up his NSC to reflect it. Easy process and heā€™s loving it so far.

@AAEmom Yes, College Station. Academies have not been released yet and probably wonā€™t be til Feb. Congrats and welcome to the Aggie Family! Now sign up for housing and NSC!!!

Decision letter for TAMU says General Engineering though the application shows the major in brackets. Can someone confirm if its a direct admit to the major we chose in TAMU? or we get to choose the major based on our GPA later in 2nd semester or so? Thanks

@ppxyz123 ALL students for engineering are general. Youā€™ll apply for your specific major end of freshman year assuming you hit all the required courses. 3.5 GPA (I believe) will put you as an automatic into your choice. @thelma2 is way more versed on this subject. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll be along soon!

@AAO-2019 I did not receive an email, I just happened to check. Pleasant surprise! :slight_smile:

Yikes, did anyone see this? The last post. https://texags.com/forums/17/topics/2961491/last

@OMGdontblink Wow - that is an alumni speaking too. I have wondered about the lack of communication and so many sitting in the dark. BUT - I donā€™t think itā€™s very different from a LOT of schools. A lot of schools donā€™t release decisions until March 15 or March 31 for regular decision applicants, so for TAMU to release what they have so far is remarkable. However, I think that comparing to prior years is a moot point because so many are led to believe that they will know by November,if not then, then December, if not then, then January, and so on through March. I will say that I do agree more with the other schools that have set release dates and/or making announcements that decisions for early action or regular decision are about to roll out. This hanging in the dark not knowing from day to day, month to month is not desirable for anyone. Final note though - Texas schools have the 10% auto admit law and then TAMU has the Academic auto admit - Auburn uses holistic approach, and advertises what the medium of scores/GPA are for their student body.

@JaceyK I definitely hear what you are saying. We are trying to be patient but the waiting is so hard. I can sympathize with that poster on the other forum. My DS has been accepted into 7 other schools and offered a LOT of scholarship money. Sometimes the waiting makes him feel like chopped liver.

@JaceyK We are the same boat hereā€¦great scholarship offers from some excellent engineering schools and still waiting on A&M even though his stats should have him as academic admit. We are getting contacted all the time from the other schools and are starting to worry if he decides to go elsewhere the good dorms etcā€¦will be gone. Stinks

Does anyone know if A&M releases scholarships the same time as decisions? Or do they do it later?

The thing is I was being lazy and used my scholarship leadership essay from another collegeā€¦yup left the name on and everything.

If they give scholarships later Iā€™ll feel much better about it. If its simultaneous than RIP.

@chief134 I am pretty sure itā€™s later - not with the acceptance.

@AAEMom are you guys in state and did he apply early?


How much weight is given to the LOR, EC and Essay and what are chances for direct admit? Blinn Team? Student had great EC (very competitive marching band program), strong LORā€™s, worked full time summer job, and has participated in Aggie onsite visit/tours, met with ARCH advisors, local TAMU school rep, college fair visits and of course has Aggie legacy status (parent has been a class agent for many years as well as was a Fish Camp Namesake). Had a medical setback first year of HS which affected grades/GPA but they have been improving steadily since. 2 AP classes, 7 Honors classes and 2 Dual Credit classes taken - what are their chances realistically please? Thanks

When did you apply: Oct 20
When did you get your UIN: Oct 23
When did you receive your admission decision: still waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: holistic review
Major/College of Choice: ARCH
Class Rank: new ranks come out end of the month and will be higher - but was top of 3Qtr very competitive school
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1330 (700 R/W0 and 630 (Math) if not superscored, otherwise 640 (Math)
ACT (with Sub Scores) 28 Eng (28) Math (29) Reading (28) Science (28)

I think it does matter as they have a part of the application process that asks you to check off the various ways you were involved at A&M - and campus visit, advisor visit, career fairā€¦were all options listed