TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@runsince6 if you’ve been running since you were 6, then I know you can hang in there a little longer. Another wave will be coming out soon, I’m sure of it. Most review admits don’t hear back til January and then early Feb. You’ve got this.

looks like a lot of OOS’s were admitted in the late December-now time frame. With quite a few having lower than average SAT scores and rank. I’m stating this only to relieve some worries. Maybe they’ve just been working on the OOS piles. Try to stay positive. Worrying will only keep you very busy doing nothing

@AggieMomhelp I wanted to know if my daughter had a chance at Blinn Team or full admissions based upon her status.
Rank 115/1003 (11.7%)
Sat 1180
Major: oceanography
180 hours of volunteer
Another 200 hours of volunteer
Employment- currently working
Mu alpha theta
Student council
All a honor roll
Drill team social officer
Drill team military officer
National champion duet winner
I know her sat is a little low but many people got in quite around the same stats as her maybe even lower. She is also quite close to top 10%.

She also wrote essay a @AggieMomhelp

okay i am super late to post this but i got in on the wave last friday and here are my stats

When did you apply: Nov. 1
When did you get your UIN: Nov. 3
When did you receive your admission decision: Jan. 11
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: sociology (liberal arts)
Class Rank: top 10.6%
SAT: 1220 (i know it’s bad)

tons of extracurriculars and awards earned through academic competition, competed in state for some, volunteered at local hospital for over 100 hours
really good essay and recommendation letters from hospital staff i worked with

i had really low scores and was extremely worried that i wouldn’t get in but i’m so happy that they took a look at my resume as well to make my decision.

good luck to all!!

Just got in

When did you apply: Oct. 15
When did you get your UIN: Oct. 21
When did you receive your admission decision: Jan. 15
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Class Rank: top quarter
SAT: 1350
Out-of-state w/3.6 GPA

Had multiple jobs. Captain of robotics team. Varsity fencer.

let me know with any questions

Good luck everyone

@hansenelliott007 When TAMU assigns the class rank, they don’t consider any information from the school about previous years. They look at the student’s GPA in relation to the school’s grading scale. As of right now, TAMU does not consider where a student attends high school when making the admission decision.

@Tunnelbear99 As part of the application process, you will request an official transcript from your school after your Jr. year. You or your school will send this official transcript, which is in a sealed envelope if you are self sending. Accompanying the transcript is a grading scale sent by your school. TAMU has an analyst that will review your transcript, which will contain your GPA. They will use these documents to assign you a quartile ranke. Then, conjunction with your SAT/ACT scores, to determine a projected GPA you would earn at TAMU.

Check with your school when transcripts can be requested and when they are finalized. For instance, in our district, Jr students can request and pay for transcripts beginning on X day in May. The student can elect to have the official transcript(s) mailed to them or can pick them up at the district office. The student sends the transcripts to the school themselves. The transcripts are certified in Mid June, so students have time to get them mailed by July 1.

@OMGdontblink You must complete the housing application within 30 days of receiving an admission decision to be guaranteed on campus housing. Every year for some in fall, they are in temporary housing but by the first couple of weeks, they are in permanent housing. @AAO-2019 March decisions were VERY late for A&M for class 2021. PSA decisions were released February 5th and February 14th. Temporary housing happens mostly for those who didn’t fill out the housing app within 30 days of receiving a decision, thus they loose their guarantee for on campus housing and move to the back on the line and those few who receive decisions after the bulk have been released.

@AAO-2019 For fall 2018, 2% or 202 3Q students, out of 10,097, enrolled. The chances for admission for 3Q are very small. They do happen and it is impossible to know which students. I would do as @AggieMomhelp Suggests. Having an associates degree, she will not be eligible for Blinn Team or Gateway. However, she needs to determine exactly what transfers from her assoc and what she takes in order to transfer. Here is the transfer course sheet for Animal Science. The maximum transferable hours is 60. Here is the course equivalency to see what transfers. What transfers but doesn’t apply towards major will be counted as electives. https://compassxe-ssb.tamu.edu/HCA/ssb/transferCourseEquivalency/#!/

@brichey Full Admission to College Station engineering is not likely though an academy decision could be offered What calculus and physics have your had? What is your math sub score on SAT and ACT?

@aaahhhhcollege What calculus and physics does your school offer and what have you taken? @rdhd

@Bubabe90 There are no dates for decision release. They come out when they show up. As stated on the website, decisions come out through March. In the past, it has been Mid February to the first week in March for most applicants to receive an admission decision.

@runsince6 What AggieMomHelp said.

Good advice @houstonheat

@Thelma2 at my school we have calculus and physics AP but I was not qualified to be in either because of the way my transcript transferred over my freshman year (moved to this isd my freshman year) so I was in basic physics and this year I am in basic statistics instead of pre cal because of how my schedule was set up. very weird. I’m hoping I get in still.

@Thelma2 I had a question about the quarter system… Like what it meant to be in the 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, or 3rd quarter… I’ve seen your comment previously about it but I still don’t quite get it. Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

@aaahhhhcollege Without Calculus AB or BC in high school, your chance of admission is not feasible. Engineering calculus weeds out students who are not really strong in math.
If you are looking more for a computer science major, you might be better off applying to a university that admits directly to the major instead of general engineering.

@pleasehelpme15 If your school ranks, at the end of your jr. year, when the transcripts are finalized for your class, your school will assign you a rank based on your GPA. You will be #X out of XXX students. Let’s say your are #167 of 688. Take the #167 and divide it by 688. The answer is .242. You are in the top 24.2% of your graduating class. You are in the first quarter or top 25%. If you are #177 out of 688, you are .257 or 25.7% of your graduating class and not in the first quarter but the second quarter, though very close to it.

The majority of admits come from the first quarter of their class. The percentage of review admits getting full admissions is small, due to space availability and therefore, most come from the 1Q and those from 2 and 3 quarters is very small.

Do rejection letters and acceptance letters come out at the same time? Or do they wait for rejection letters and release those last?

@stressedout57 It is my understanding that a true “rejection” letter is rare. Instead, a student will likely get an offer for an alternate pathway (labeled PSA) to attend an affiliated school with a path to admission after successfully completing the requirements at the other school (Example: PVAMU, A&M Kingsville, Tarleton State, etc)

With being in the 32% SAT of 1230 gpa W-4.41 UW- 3.87, with multiple extracurriculars and a job every year in high school, applying for History major (Liberal arts school), I know my chances are pretty slim of getting straight accepted:/ But what are my chances on getting maybe BLINN TEAM? And are you able to be in the corps on BLINN TEAM (being my main reason of going into A&M is the good ROTC program because I want to be a future USAF Airmen) thank you!

@ske123 I think its 50/50. Not sure if you can be in the corps while in blinn team.

@Thelma2 Thank you for the info. This is helpful and gives me an idea of what to expect. I appreciate your response.

I was just curious @AggieMomhelp when was your son admitted into Econ?

@ske123 i think u will get full admit to TAMU

and thank u for ur future service!!! =D>

I have never read that you have to have taken Calc AB or Calc BC to be admitted into engineering. Even when we toured A&M and met with the academic advisors, this was not brought up to us.

Has anyone received acceptance without taking Calculus?

@george828 I went back and double checked, it’s in their prerequisites for engineering. It says 4 years of math and emphasizes the lists as the as algebra geometry trig and calc. It doesn’t say required but it did list them specifically.