TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

You know - I honestly would not be surprised if there were record numbers of applicants at a lot of other “big” or “popular” schools. As such, if this turns out to be the case, then I would not be surprised if those schools, TAMU, included end up being shortchanged on their estimates of how many accept offers of admission. People nowadays are so much more aware (thanks to social media) of the student loan crisis and are more receptive to accepting more generous offers from other schools. With UT and TAMU not being generous with merit aid and other scholarships, I bet there will be a flood of applicants denying the offers from these schools because of the offers they received from other schools. However, there is probably a good percent of applicants (auto/academic/review) that bleed maroon and want to go into debt just to go there (there are a lot of schools that have a very wide spirited fan base). LOL.

Oh my gosh I can’t even imagine adding moving overseas to this stress level. Good luck to you and your sanity!! ?

thx - it’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure. We don’t even know where we’ll be moving - could be staying overseas (my hope) but could go back to the states too - where in the states? Who knows… (insert head banging emoji here)

@Chief134 I am not sure about A&M but all the other colleges sent the scholarships separately after admission.

My stats
1330 sat
4.4 weighed goa
3.5 unweighted gpa
6 AP classes
24 dual credit hours
29%clas rank
Review admit
Did not hear back yet
150 volunteers hours
Economic major

@AggieMomhelp - thanks for the reply and no she didn’t include anything about the medical set back affecting GPA in original essay as she thought it would be better not to and hopefully they saw how her grades dipped and then have been up since - however, that was something that I mentioned to her if she doesn’t get in she could consider an appeal and giving details about the situation but just hoping she will get in without having to do that…

I hope you are right because that is exactly what happened to my dd as she has received awesome scholarships to every school she has applied but she wants A&M and we realize that will not come with any scholarships/aid…the price we pay to “Be an Aggie”…

@AggieMomhelp @Thelma2 Do you guys think that anyone in 2nd quarter applying to engineering has any chance to get in?

@learner234 I think it’s a stretch. But if your scores are above that 1360 mark and you show strength and readiness in physics and calc, then there is a shot. But remember, the academies are such a great solution. It really saves money and prepares you for the full rigor of TAMU.

@AggieMomhelp - Hi. I don’t know if you remember but my son was ranked in the 2nd quarter by TAMU even though his transcript showed him at 21%. We still haven’t heard anything which isn’t surprising to us with that 2nd quarter status. Do you think he will at least be offered Blinn Team? He made a1330 on his SAT. Also, his second choice major is Construction Science. Is there a possibility of him getting full admission with that major?

@highhopes25 I would call the office of admissions to have that ranking corrected or if you get a decision before you can make a change, file an appeal.

@goodperson200 My son has called admissions a number of times. The problem is that his school became a non ranking school over the summer so even though his actual ranking is on the transcript they have, they won’t use it. His school’s profile also shows him in the top quarter but we can’t get anyone to answer us if TAMU was given the profile or even if they would use it if they did get it. It’s very frustrating but seems that it’s just the way the cookie crumbles. My son is so discouraged so I am trying to keep him thinking positive and looking at any alternative paths. I welcome any advice or recommendations!

is there even a possibility of getting on-campus housing if given blinnTEAM?

@highhopes25 that’s so frustrating. Major won’t determine acceptance or not so don’t worry about that part. Only matters if transferring. With not a lot of people hearing back yet, it’s hard to say. His test score is excellent. Blinn team may seem like a good fit for him in the eyes of admission. I hope he gets at least that. He’ll do great wherever he lands regardless. So try not to stress too much just yet.

My DD is Blinn TEAM and yes you can live on campus.

Yes. Absolutely. Blinn team is a full fledged Aggie. Parking. Housing. Dining. Corps. Sports pass.

@highhopes25 did they offer an explanation as to why they wouldn’t use the ranking?If yes, what was it?

@goodperson200 Yes. They said that because his school became a “non-ranking school” during the summer, they would not take the ranking on his transcript into consideration. I have seen several explanations as to how TAMU determines rank but I am still not exactly clear. I read it is based on GPA and how his GPA compares on the grading scale for his school because they want to see how the student performs against his/her classmates. However, on his school profile, his GPA falls in the top quarter range so I am at a loss. I am trying to find out if his school sent the portion of the profile that shows the GPA rank reference sheet with the transcript but I can’t get anyone to answer that question and I’ve been asking since November. My son went ahead an uploaded the whole profile to AIS but at this point, I don’t know that it will make a difference. @Thelma2 Do you think that they will look at that or make any changes considering its mid-January?

Hi, My daughter was admitted on 9/19 in Mays business school. She was top 6% rank, 1370 SAT, Varsity dance team for 4 years with officer leadership positions her junior and senior years. I’ve been watching the posts on this forum because all of her friends have applied to TAMU as holistic review admits. Her boyfriend was just admitted on 1/11/19 and he didn’t even check his AIS until 1/16!!! He was #82/649 (12.6% class rank), ACT 28, SAT 1290. He participated in club baseball in the summer and school team during the school year, NHS and German club. Admitted to economics, his first choice major. He was fully expecting Blinn Team but received a full admit. He’s the first of the students from our high school to receive holistic review admission this year. My belief is that his strong essay ( he wrote about his move to Texas and how the school system differs here from his home state) and his recommendation letter from his grandfather helped him gain admission. His grandfather suffered a stroke many years ago and his grandson drives to his home and assists him with showering and going to bed each night as he is partially paralyzed and wheelchair bound. I just wanted to share the information about his admission because so many are waiting patiently to hear from admissions this year! Good Luck to you all!

@bella2023 Tell him congrats. Thanks for passing along this information, it’s very helpful. AND… he sounds like quite the young man. My son is in econ. It’s a great department.