TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@Andy05 - looking at the DAR stats and seeing that more and more high schools are going to non-ranking - I think your case shows exactly why many “highly competitive” schools are going to non-ranking.

At my daughter’s school (4 point scale with AP etc getting 5s) - you have to have slightly above a 4.0 to be in the top 25%. Let that sink in. You can get straight your entire HS career - taking classes like Chemistry, Physics and Pre-Calculus - but if you don’t take at least one AP or Pre-Ap class - and get an A in it - you are not going to be in the top quarter.

@Thelma2 knows more about how TAMU determines rank for non-ranking - but I assume it involves test scores and classes/grades.

@Andy05 if tamu assigned you first quarter, then shouldn’t you be academic admit with that SAT score?

HI folks. @aggigurl 1st page on AIS should show what rank you are assigned by TAMU if from a non ranking school. Otherwise it’ll show actual rank (#/total #).

@GabrielTamez Your SAT is below average but your rank is really solid. That may give you the bump for full admit, or TEAM.

@medgal You can change your major to a nonfull major on AIS (bottom of page). My son did this but also had to email the advisor about it and they did the formal change. He did this is january so he could register for the correct NSC.

@andy05 You are an academic admit if TAMU assigned your 1Q. Your SAT scores alone will get you full admission. Now how much financial aid you get is sketchy. Not a ton of aid comes in.

@AggieMomhelp - I am looking on the 1st page of AIS and that’s the My App Status page… I don’t see the rank. Maybe I’m on the wrong page or site?? This is the AIS page that just gives UIN, Name… and all docs

@aggiearch on the AIS page, you should see this list in a column under Documents with another column next to that titled Complete - each of the items below will have red X, yellow caution sign with exclamation mark or a green check mark. Next to Class Rank, my son has 127/931 which calculates to 13% which is within top quarter. Hope that helps.

Essay A

@aggiearch did you find it with @jaceyk 's direction?

@AgggieArch , this is copied off my DD’s page. On her non ranking school, “CLASS RANK” has “1st Quater” in ( ).

  • Documents Required for ADMISSION Your application documents must be received (not postmarked) by the 12/10/2018 closing date.

Document Complete
CLASS RANK (1st Quarter)
Essay A

A&M doesn’t consider your GPA for admissions to the university or to the engineering major.

A&M assigns a rank to an applicant from a non ranking high school, using the GPA reported on the transcript and the grading scale the school sent to A&M with the transcript.

If A&M assigned you first quarter, that means they placed you in the top 25% of your class, according to the grading scale.

Out of state applicants qualify for academic admit. Academic admits and instate top 10% admits are processed first and offered admission to the university as their applications are received and processed. They do this so they know how many spots are left available for review admits.

With a rank assigned by A&M, which can be the longest part of the process as the transcripts and grading scale are analyzed, You should be accepted to the university already.

Are you saying that you have not been admitted to the university yet?

@AggieMomhelp @TXDad56
Yes the directions helped me find what was right in front of my eyes! Thanks so much :slight_smile: All this is just too much!!

Howdy y’all, I have been following this forum since October but I just thought it would be a good time to jump in anyhow this is my application:

When did you apply:10-14-18
When did you get your UIN:10-16-18
When did you receive your admission decision:10-18-18 however still under engineering review as of 1/21
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Auto (10%)
Major/College of Choice: Engineering, ME
Class Rank: 2/20
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1290 (EBRW 630, Math 660)
ACT (with Sub Scores) 27 (Math 30, Science 27, English21, Reading 31)

Anyhow I’m just wondering about engineeeing. I’m not worried but it’s just such a slow process. Y’all said there should be 2 more full waves correct?

One last thing, as I was checking howdy today I noticed I had recieved a financial aid offer (for a scholarship) under the financial portal. This is really exciting but I just think it is strange since I’m kinda still under review.


My son has been accepted. I am a little confused about the FAFSA?-I know who isn’t!! Do I have to mail in my report or does TAMU receive it electronically from FAFSA, I do have it listed on FAFSA’s site to send to TAMU.


@nymom43 As long as you listed A&M on your FAFSA form, they will get the info


What is the scholarship you received named?

No one knows how many more release dates there are for engineering or review admits.

Thank you!!

Hey it is the presidents achievement scholarship @Thelma2

I am in a similar predicament I’m homeschooled so my school doesn’t rank so they assigned me first quarter does that mean that I am automatically admitted based as an academic admit or do they still have to review my stuff just want some clarification thank you

@coleaggie19 Your test scores do not place you into academic admit status. You need 30 ACT with qualifying subscores or 1360 SAT qualifying sub scores.

@Coleaggie19 You’re only an auto admit to TAMU if your SAT was at least 1360 or ACT was 30 and you’re 1st quarter.

Thank you I was just little confused so odds are I probably won’t hear until February? is that correct

@Coleaggie19 You have to have the qualifying test scores for academic admit, in addition to being in 1Q.
If you are in 1Q but don’t have the qualifying test scores, you are a review admit.


I guess I should have gone to the next page, to see that others had already answered your question

Odds are you will likely hear in February or March, unless we get another release in the next 10 days.