TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@AggieMomhelp @Thelma2
When did you apply: 10/02
Have you received a decision: no
Review/ Auto-Admit/ Academic Admit: Review
Major: Allied Health
Class Rank: School does not rank(private and very competitive)
GPA: 3.342
SAT: 1250
ACT: 26 (28 superscore)
Resume: Girl Scout Gold Award, 100+ service hours, National charity League Member, involved in lots of clubs/organizations (Secretary for a club), active on the lacrosse team all 4 years, honor roll student all 4 years, has been on a mission trip

What do you think my chances are for getting a full admission into A&M or if not that Blinn Team?? Iā€™m so nervous waiting. Also when do you think I will receive a decision?

Iā€™ve been following for a while and my daughter has been really stressed about whether or not she will even make blinn team. Chance her?
Quick Stats:
Rank: top 11%
Sat: 1140 (math 560) (reading 580)
Major: Business, second choice is industrial engineering.
She played sports for 3 years and has been in national honor society for 2 years as well.

About her majorā€¦ She has decided she wants to change it to biology. Should she change it now or will it make no difference?

Yā€™all I just took trip down old posts dating back two years. Review admits - it is anybodyā€™s guess what you will get ( my son included). There are too many variables to compare our stats to. Where three people had almost identical stats-1 got full admission, 1 got TEAM and third got PSA. So piece of advice. Donā€™t compare. Just be prepared for best and worst, and offer support to all. This is a very rough processā€¦especially for us review admits.

I still have one more kid who starts HS next year. All I am going to do is encourage him to do what he loves and enjoys. Not going to push APs or DCs (he will do anyway because that is where he is at with peers). He loves cars and engineeringā€¦so intro to engineering and possibly encourage him to build his first car. He also likes basketball but not good at it yet. Still signing up for league play even tho I know he wonā€™t play collegiate ball. All Iā€™m saying is that after seeing my older two bust their butts and work so hard for the same end results as others who didnā€™t, I realize now that they could have enjoyed their interests more with same end results. Sigh. Live and learn right?

@hopefulnommy she picked the hardest majors. Love her ambition tho. Mays is full. Engineering is full but if tamu admits her then theyā€™ll ask her to pick another major. Her test score isnā€™t great but her rank is awesome. You can try to change major. Doubt it could hurt at this point and who knows if itā€™ll help. They say acceptance is in spite of major. So ugh. Frustrating I know.

@JaceyK Great post and advice. Iā€™m pretty confident my son will get PSA at best and I know he will decline. Iā€™m just sticking around the board bc Iā€™ve been following long enough that Iā€™m genuinely interested in seeing who gets what. He has accepted the fact that AM wonā€™t be the school for him and Iā€™m okay with that. The fact is that 99% of all the students on here asking to be chanced are ALL excellent students. All have either high GPA or high scores, and a lot have both! Whether you start the fall at AMā€”or some other school ā€”doesnā€™t define your future. Maybe youā€™ll transfer there. Maybe youā€™ll find that your back up was a blessing in disguise. All you seniors out there please donā€™t beat yourself up too badly. You will find your way. You are about to embark on some of the greatest years in your life. Iā€™m amazed by the things many of you have already accomplishedā€”and youā€™re just getting started. Hang in there!

An update to my previous comment, I have been accepted as an auto-admit but not into engineering, is there any information as to if the College of Science will allow me to change my primary major to one of their offered majors?

When did you apply: 10/15
When did you get your UIN: later that week
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: they received my sat and academic admitted me oct 31 then admitted to engineering nov 1
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: academic
Major/College of Choice: mechanical (but in general of course)
Did you get in: si
Honors program: gonna apply
Class Rank: 104/575 (think thatā€™s around 18%)
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 1420 (750m 670 r/w)
Other stuff: great essay (ut didnā€™t think so I guess), AP Scholar with distinction, no failed ap test, lots of acadec medals, UiL stem, no rec letter or resume

I have been following this forum for a while now, so I figured I might as well post my sons stats. This wait has been stressful, and due to a change in interest in schools, he has now decided to wait to hear back from A&M.

Quick Stats:
Rank: top 20%
ACT: 24 (poor, I know)
Major: Poultry Science

He has served as Student Council vice president, 4H club president, Rotary Interact club president and FFA secretary. He has competed at the state level in 4H and has place third, as well as placing at major livestock shows. He has accumulated over 400 community service hours. Him and I have been so stressed over this whole thing, so does he have any chance? Maybe TEAM?

When did you apply: 9/19
When did you get your UIN: 9/21
When did you receive your admission decision: n/a
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: review
Major/College of Choice: econ
Class Rank: 2q
ACT/SAT : 1310 (680 M, 630 WR)
varsity sport, captain senior year, student ambassadorl, part time job with 20hr/week, raised $24,000 for LLS, honors societies, 4 mission trips, volunteered for DSACT, student government junior and senior year.

really hoping for TEAM but at this point not sure

If I get full admission or one of the other pathways will it clearly show it when I log into howdy/AIS where it already says ā€œapp in reviewā€ or will it take some digging to find the details?

Hello ! I applied to A&M back in October but havenā€™t heard back yet. Iā€™m a bit nervous and was wondering if A&M often admits students to their second choice major if they are not qualified for the first or if the first is already full ? Thank you so much !!

Hi so I applied as sports management major but I have talked to many of my peers and decided that business will be the best major for. Is it a good idea for me to switch my major right now since I havenā€™t gotten my decisions yet? I am fine with blinn team and I know that my chance for full admission is slim as I am in 2q

@min17gl0 Mays Business school is full, so switching to business would not be an option for you. If you read back through the posts there is a wealth of information about your options to try to transfer into Mays later, but it is extremely competitive and transfer spots for are limited.

@nervoussenior12356 Yes, you will automatically be moved to your second choice major if you are admitted and your first choice is full. If your first choice major is engineering, wait around for someone with more expertise to answer that question.

@Gavin104 to you and others who may have issues getting into ā€œengineeringā€ as your major, I think Physics is a great major for those with engineering minds and goals. Iā€™ve stated this in past posts over the years. Some of the best engineers Iā€™ve ever worked with, were Physic majors. They just always seemed to be the smartest people in the room, and humbly knew it. If I had to do it over again, I would have taken Physics over my EE degree. Good luck.

@JaceyK I am in total agreement with you! My son has BUSTED his butt and he may not get in. APā€™s, volunteer, SAT classes, tutors, tests, and hired someone to review his essay. This has literally been a goal he has worded toward since elementary. Iā€™m going to do the same thing with my daughter, Iā€™m not pushing AP classes with her but encourage her to pursue her passion. Although, I didnā€™t push these with my son, I could have guided him to find a passion and pursue it. Instead, he has taken all these classes because he was ā€œsupposedā€ to. I have to believe, it all works out as it should. EXTREMELY upset with this process.

@JaceyK I agree tooā€¦all seems to have been a bit of a waste other than that I hope they are more prepared for college wherever they go. My daughter has commented that she has heard that the kids before her felt that their school prepared them well and they are thriving. But it is a lot of undue stress and frustration.

Howdy! My son was just offered admissions to one of the Engineering Pathways. Can anyone tell me anything about the Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn? Positive or negative experiences? I have read they can still apply for on campus housing at Texas A&M. I have also read financial aid would be considered differently. Thanks and Gigā€™em.

@gavis104 I agree with @txdad56 AND, you can minor in Engineering. Itā€™s such a viable option for those that cannot get into Engineering.

@min17gl0 Stick with Sports Management. NO chance for Mays at this time. SM is a great major. If you stick with it, get your minor in Business. Or start with SM and try to change into Mays after 30 hours at TAMU and a 3.8. OR you can always try University Studies with Business emphasis. So many options. First, get into TAMU and then explore! Best of Luck!

@nervoussenior12356 Except for Engineering and Viz and maybe a performance degree, you do not have to qualify for your major. You get accepted and place into what is available. If not available, they move ya to the next choice. If not available, theyā€™ll place you in general studies and ask you to select a new major before NSC.

Iā€™ve been following this board for 2 months but havenā€™t posted my sonā€™s info yet.

When did you apply: Nov ?
When did you get your UIN: Nov ?
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Bio, second choice History. May want to teach.
Class Rank: 2Q ranked by TAMU, high school doesnā€™t rank
SAT (with Sub Scores) did not send but 1350
ACT (with Sub Scores) 30
GPA 3.47

Academic Competitions for 4 years, >150 hours volunteer, part time job
Still waiting, hoping for Blinn Teamā€¦ or not?

@JaceyK I know you are frustrated, we all are because we want the best for our kids but as I explained to my son this is real life. Sometimes hard work and dedication may not get you exactly what you want but that never means the hard work wasnā€™t worth it. If you want it bad enough you may have to work even harder and/or do things differently. Ultimately this is a great life lesson for our children and will only make them stronger if we frame it in the right way and support them through the process. Hang in there and Iā€™ll say a prayer for you guys. Gigā€™em.