TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@mrsqster I said nothing of the sort especially that that is why posts aren’t showing up.
Forget I said anything. It’s been taken out of context and overthought. It is an anxious time for everyone and I will refrain from chancing or speculating on decision releases because it seems to be not helping.

There is no announcement. In fact, even after PSA comes out, some decisions still trickle out. So if no decision shows up in AIS, even after you see s bunch here, it means your application isn’t decided. Everyone will get a decision of some type eventually.

Galveston is only offered to engineering students as an admission decision.
As an Animal Science Major, your daughter will have to apply to Galveston separately.

Edit: I see ParadiseAggie explained it perfectly. I had not read that far down the page yet

At this point, we all need to just hunker down and wait it out. It is definitely a painful process but it is clear that none of information coming out is consistent so your guess is as good as anyone. Good luck everyone!

I do appreciate all of you parents who have posted words encouraging us to take a deep breadth and let the process run its course. It isn’t easy, but I have to choose to trust that everyone at A&M is trying to do their jobs well. Yes, they could do better at communicating, but the number of applications has apparently caught them off guard. As someone said, the more we call to check in on them, the more we slow them down. It will happen when it happens. I also have to remind myself that it’s best I spare my son from asking him daily if he’s heard from admissions. Should he not get accepted, if I don’t tread lightly, he might misread my own disappointment as a statement of his worth. I pray not! Again, thanks to all of you encouraging parents who are letting your kids own this process, and its results. They’ll be fine; so will we. Take care and best wishes everyone!

Hey y’all. I submitted a question on the AIS, “When will admission decisions for review admits be sent out?”. This was the response

Thank you for your interest in Texas A&M University.

We strive to have all decisions released by the end of February, however historically, some decisions do continue rolling into early March. You could hear anytime between now and early March at the latest.

Thanks & gig’em,

Aggieland Admissions Customer Service”

@tamu23plz thank you so much for sharing this information! I am very anxious about what is going to happen! Hopefully we hear back soon!

thanks @Thelma2 …I always appreciate your wisdom.

Are honors decisions out?

@learner234 honors for which majors?

Hola People. I got accepted into A&M on Dec. 3rd, but im a little on edge that they might rescind their acceptance. I currently am taking all AP classes (5) and have A’s in all except English(I have a 71). Would this be a red flag for tamu? I’m trying my hardest to bring it up to a C as it used to be a 55 (senioritis hit hard lol) I also have a bit of an attendance issue but its nothing too drastic yet. Anything would be helpful, thank you.

You have only four calendar months left after ALL these years. This is only about 75 class days, right??
Your grades should automatically improve if you never miss class again.
Don’t think of failing your AP English class. That should be enough to not have a red flag.
Get help from anyone who could help.
Check back in anytime.
You can do this. One day at a time. Count the days down if you need to.
Others may have good advice. Be tough.

Can colleges really take back acceptance due to the last semester’s grades ?

@Ollie23 Without knowing the whole picture, a few things come to mind… have you talked to your counselor about the possibility of switching to a new teacher (without messing up your whole schedule, of course) or switching out of AP into regular English just for this subject? Could be a teaching style issue or just not your strongest subject. My boys are NOT loving Shakespeare in their AP English class right now- you are not alone! Sometimes a new environment and fresh perspective can make a big difference. Great job with all those A’s in your other AP classes! Hang in there.

I got 6 tabs this morning. Applied 10/10 for engineering

@ab2001 Congratulations!!!

Daughter got 6 tabs today. Environmental science. Top 20%. ACT 28.

Good Morning!!! Our son received 6 tabs this morning. Needless to say there is a ton of excitement in our home!!! Geology Major.

@luckyaggie yes they can. When we visited Michigan, one of the Deans spoke and told our group their senior year is still important and while it’s not common, they have rescinded offers. He also said you don’t want to start your first year of college already behind because you gave up a year of education in high school from senioritis.
@Ollie23 Good Luck and stick to it!!

Where do the 6 tabs appear and what does it mean?