TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Just updating info for future reference…

Responding for my son:

When did you apply:July 2
When did you get your UIN:July 6
When did you receive your admission decision:9/20
Admission to College of Engineering: 10/12
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit:Auto-admit
Major/College of Choice:Engineering
Class Rank:16/419 (top 3.8%)
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1410, R-720/M-690
ACT (with Sub Scores) 32, E-33/R-34/S-33/M-28

Thank you, everyone, for your information throughout this process!! It’s been extremely helpful and reassuring!

@TXRunningMom , congratulations! my son’s says the same thing! Whew! Already registered for NSC.

@Thelma2 @gingytx @parentofkids

My son was admitted to Mays! The AIS states “Welcome to Aggieland!” and the major is listed as Business Administration.

@AggieMomhelp you hit it on the nail and we are so happy to hear back from A&M this early as Texas A&M was his match school, now we just have to wait to hear back from two other schools, but it is awesome to have the admission to Mays secured. We knew that if he applied early enough, there was a possibility he could get into Mays as a review applicant and it worked out perfectly.

@fatherof2boys Congratulations! Don’t forget to immediately sign up for housing to get in line asap!

After a long wait for transcripts, my son has been finally admitted to Mays.
However, he is not sure if he will accept yet. Can we wait to register for NSC and housing?
I heard housing fills up fast. Please share ur thoughts!

@gingytx Congrats to your family! I went ahead and registered for NSC and we’ll tackle the housing application this evening. I probably am going to have my eldest son contact his friends in College Station to get some recommendations on housing. This is so exciting and unexpected, it is like Xmas in October!

My review admit son has been admitted to Engineering! Very surprised and thrilled it happened this early for him.

Congrats @TX2020 it is a very welcome surprise to us that A&M is processing review applicants this early in the process. My eldest son who was a review applicant back in 2016 did not receive his acceptance until mid-November.

I bet they are able to process a month earlier this year because they opened the applications a month earlier! July 1 instead of August 1 in past years.

@TXRunningMom if that’s the case it really does reward applicants who start early. I recall when I attended an admission presentation back in 2017 at College Station we were told that there are always a slew of kids who are auto admits that wait until late in the application process to apply and they find their first choice major unavailable. This really incentives getting started on the app as soon as possible. My son hated me hounding him all summer on his essays and making him take the SAT before the start of the school year; however, its such a relief now to at least have the Mays acceptance in the bag.

I can’t tell you how excited I am, even though my wife and I are both UT-Austin alums who bleed orange, we are so excited that he got in as a review applicant to Mays. There’s a good chance we’ll be a house divided over the next four years.

I had to smile about the house divided… 3 of my kiddos are at UT Austin and my 4th got accepted to Mays. Will your son be in the Corps?

How is A & M at accepting AP exams as credits?

Regarding housing… yes sign up within the first 30 days of acceptance to get higher on the list to actually select housing in the Spring (like May). Most freshmen get housing, just may not be the exact dorm or side of campus they want, but it all works out.

@cannonmom A&M is great about accepting AP credits but some majors may still advise them to take the course at TAMU. Hold off on accepting credits until you have to. Have until senior year, so it’s all good. No rush and speak to advisor before doing so.

Last year the applications opened up on July 1st as well. BUT with hurricane, it pushed things back so it didn’t help anyone out. Glad it’s working as it was intended this year (and besides, that means there was no natural disaster).

Haha @Range375 so you are living the house divided right now. That’s so impressive that you have four kids in flagship schools…hat an achievement. I’m so relieved that this is our second, and last, child to go through this stressful process. I dont know how you were able to successfully shepard four kids through this.

My son is very interested in the Corp. During that 2017 visit we did to College Station we took a tour of the Corps dorm rooms and academic facilities and they are very impressive. My son has always been active in sports and being part of a team is something that has a strong appeal to him. He was registered to do the Spend the Night with Corp program for September; however, due to a family emergency he was unable to attend.

Is your Aggie child a member of the Corp?

Yes, thumbs up to natural disasters @AggieMomhelp, we do not need any more of those along the Gulf Coast.

@AggieMomhelp Thanks!!

@fatherof2boys my son is a senior this year and was just accepted last month to Mays. I think he is planning on being a member of the Corps. I noticed you mentioned your son has a couple other apps out. Will he go ahead and sign for housing or wait until hearing back from the other two? Congratulations on the acceptance!! ?

@Range375, we are going to go forward with the housing apps and registration fee for NSC. A&M is really high on my son’s list and I’m willing to lose out on the dough in the short-term to preserve all of his options. After all whats $300 bucks compared to a $100,000 investment. We completed the NSC registration for the first available date which works perfectly as it is only two to three days after his graduation ceremony. I’m giving him this evening to seriously consider his decision about the Corp before we go ahead and submit the housing app.

At this point, A&M is by far the most likely destination for him. The only other two schools under consideration are McCombs at UT-Austin, which is a huge reach for him, and Ohio State’s business school where he is guaranteed admission but would only enroll there if, like his older brother, he was able to secure this particular scholarship that pays for the full cost of attendance. Lots of moving parts with those two schools which is why I think he’s going to be an Aggie.

@fatherof2boys , I understand that signing up for NSC is your acceptance to the university. So if he hasn’t decided for sure on TAMU, he should not sign up for NSC. Someone, please correct me if I’m wrong!

@TXRunningMom IMO - There probably will be students that signup for NSC but then don’t go to tamu. TAMU can’t do anything about it, but perhaps remember if the person applies again in the future. They just need to cancel the housing contract since, I’m guessing, tamu can hold them responsible for the fall quarter housing.

@TXRunningMom we are about as certain as you can be that he’s going to be an Aggie. Getting in McCombs as a non-auto admits is a just not gonna pan out. According to US News, McCombs undergrad program is ranked #6 in the country, higher than most Ivy League schools. We are pretty certain that’s not going to work out for him. Also, I just cant see Ohio State awarding two full-cost of attendance scholarships to siblings; however, we would be foolish to not to apply there. If either of those very unlikely scenarios were to actually pan out, then we would simply select the “Cancel Your Admission and NSC” button in Howdy. But, like I said, there’s like only a 1 in a million chance that would occur.