TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@fatherof2boys - You would not happened to have looked at your son’s comparison (scattergrams) in Naviance. My daughter is a KATY ISD review applicant too. I’m trying to gauge the accuracy of Naviance. And the scattergrams comparing her to others at her school look like she will almost certainly get in. But based on stats on this message board - her chances are in the 70% range.

Sorry I meant my question for @fatherof2boys - I misread who posted they were from Katy & their son was admitted. Sorry about that

@AggieMomhelp I have not posted my kiddo’s stats. I will need to check with her to confirm them. Honestly, she had done most of this on her own and is pretty independent. I just stumbled across this board and have been reading through. I will get with her and find out all her info.

@Mommydoodle this is great site for both students and parents. Tell her about this site, there are quite of few students who are independent as well. They commiserate together at times with this long wait. Both my kids didn’t want to spend time here, but I found it a life line back in the day and have tried to pay it forward with having 2 kids now at TAMU and being a graduate myself and most relevant… I’ve lived here for 30 years and have some inside knowledge. = )

@BlueBayouAZ my son did not use Naviance for his application to A&M because the program was not fully functional at my son’s campus when he submitted his app. We had attended an admission session at College Station during my son’s junior year and we were told that A&M has rolling admissions and Mays had filled up in the prior application cycle sometime during October. Accordingly, we planned on having my son submit his app as soon as possible and Naviance was not fully functional at my son’s campus until September. That didn’t work for us as we targeted getting his app to A&M in August.

One thing you should consider in regards to any divergence between Naviance and the info on College Confidential is that the applicant info on this website is likely not representative of the full applicant pool admitted to any college, including A&M. Thousands of applicants get acceptances at A&M every cycle but it is a select few students and parents that actually go on College Confidential to share stats and do research. I don’t know how Naviance pulls the data for their scattergrams; however, it may be a more representative sample than the stats that are shared on this website.

Good luck to your daughter and I hope she’s admitted to her desired schools…

Thanks @fatherof2boys - Congrats on your son’s acceptance. My daughter did not use Naviance to apply either. It was done the old school way in July/August before school started. It is just me playing around with my parent naviance login. I’m pretty analytical - so I find all the data that is now available so fascinating. It’s also crazy to me how “low” my NHS - 8AP classes (AP Scholar with Honors) daughter’s rank is. Not near top 25%. Thankfully my daughter is accepted into UT Dallas and SCAD. But the program she really wants is at A&M. I just hate the wait :wink:

@Mommydoodle I previously posted my son’s stats in this forum when we were awaiting a determination by A&M. His rank is 15-16% (I’ve actually forgotten exactly which) and a 1340 I believe on his SAT. Again, if you search my prior posts you can get exact info.

One disclaimer I’ll say for stats comparing is that for review applicants, class rank and test scores are only part of the application. A&M utilizes a holistic admission process for review applicants that takes into consideration factors other than class rank and test scores. So, knowing that information is only part of the story. Do an internet search for the A&M Common Data Set and they actually identify which factors the school considers for its holistic review along with whether the factor falls within one of four categories: (1) very important; (2) important; (3) considered; and (4) not considered. Hence, while test scores and class rank are obviously very important, so too are extracurricular activities; the essay is important; work experience is considered, and race/ethnic status is not considered.

The documents associated with the various law suits filed against UT-Austin disclosed that UT actually assigned a numerical value to an “academic index” consisting of the test scores and class rank on hand, and a numerical value to extracurriculars, work experience, essays for a personal achievement index on the other hand. Those two numbers are then placed on a grid with the personal achievement index being the y axis and the academic index being x axis. Applicants are admitted to their first choice major at UT based on where they fall on the intersection of the grid based on those two numbers. Accordingly, under a holistic review process, there will be students admitted with lower test scores and class rank because they potentially have superior extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendations.

The colleges know that the number of the kids who apply to their schools that have the academic preparedness to do well academically exceed the number of available slots for admission. Therefore, they are looking for something to distinguish the kids who will contribute to an engaging campus community and the only proxy they have to make those determinations are the extracurriculars, essays and letters of recommendations. Every year, people end up complaining here on CC that someone got in with similar or lower stats than their own child; however, unless the school is like the University of Iowa which does not practice holistic admissions, making those claims based on standardized test scores and class rank alone is simply uninformed. So, I’d recommend that you use the test scores and class rank like I did, which is simply as a guide as to whether your child is in the ballpark for admission and not as a black and white, yea or nay comparison.

Good luck to your child’s application.

New here and just like many of you starting the waiting game. My daughter so desperately wants to go to A&M because she loves the Biomedical Science program. None of the other schools she is considering offer this program. Seems we may be in the gray zone for Review admits. Crossing our fingers!

When did you apply: 10/22
When did you get your UIN:
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Biomedical Science
Class Rank:Top 25%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1280 - 630 R/W 650 Math
ACT (with Sub Scores) 27 (23 English, 28 Math, 28 Reading, 29 Science

@AggieDreamin her stats are right in line with what we saw last year for full admit and some blinn team. Her other factors, ec/essay/etc. will either push her one way or the other. Biomedical science is an extremely hard course schedule for the first semester. Bio and chem with labs for the Fall typically. Total weed out classes. If she loves science, then yay, if she just likes science, then have a back up major.

@AggieDreamin My son also applied to the Biomedical Science program with Public Health as 2nd choice. He is a review admit too with similar stats - top 13% (126/941), 3.4 or 3.5ish UW GPA, only submitted ACT as he does better - 28 (30S, 30R, 27M & 24E). He’s retaking this Saturday with hopes of bringing up English (he actually got a 27 on english first time around go figure) while maintaining the others. He applied 9/29, received UIN 10/2. He wants to get in to TAMU so badly. The waiting is so very hard!!! BTW, my daughter also applied to transfer for Spring. Lots of anxiety in our house. :stuck_out_tongue:

@AggieMomhelp Good news is she loves science! She actually will have some of the first year classes covered with AP.

@JaceyK I feel for you! Can’t imagine having two in the same boat. Mine early had a panic attack when she hit send on the the application! Best of luck to your kids and maybe we will both have graduates in the 2023 class from A&M.

I’ve spent HOURS and HOURS on this site reading through all of the posts. Thank you Thelma2 and AggieMom for all of the time you spend answering questions, tracking stats, etc. My son applied and I’m posting his info to help keep up with the valuable information for not just this year, but the years to come.

When did you apply: 10/05
When did you get your UIN:? Maybe 10/06
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Mays Business with 2nd choice of AgriBusiness
GPA: 3.6 unweighted; 4.1 weighted
Class Rank:Top 25%
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1230 (650 Math; 580 E/RW)
ACT (with Sub Scores): Scheduled to take 10/27
ECs: Presidential Volunteer Service Award; tutor to foreign exchange students.

So, from all of the reading, I know my son probably has a small chance of being admitted to Mays. He’s been in a STEM magnet school and in his Junior year realized he just didn’t want to do Engineering or Computer Science (his two first interests). But, he has a passion for business and owns/works his own business. Beginning last year, he worked 30+hours a week during the school year at his business and over the summer worked 80-100+ hours a week. So, I’m hoping that will count for something since his ECs are limited. His business is successful and I’m trying to reign him in to keep focused on school. : ) But, he has a true knack for business and has a passion like none I’ve ever seen in a young person.

We’ve applied at other schools of course and while he would love to attend A&M, he would be okay going somewhere else. We are not from Texas, and no one in our family is an Aggie so there’s not that “pull” that other kids have. He just fell in love with the school, and was impressed with the business program. When I read through the admission decision thread from last year, my heart sunk as I saw so many kids who had their sights set on A&M, were legacies, and didn’t make the cut. What pressure and then disappointment. So, I guess we are fortunate in that he’s not in that boat. I honestly, never dreamt he wouldn’t get into A&M. I know that sounds naïve, but until a few months ago, I assumed he would get in to a state school. I’ve learned a LOT.

We did have a distinguished scholar, graduate of A&M, Class of 1953 write a wonderful letter of recommendation. Not sure how much it will help but if nothing else, it made my son feel special to read the heartfelt sentiments. He has known my son since he was an infant and watched him grow up so had a great perspective. His sons and grandchildren all went to A&M and his grandson graduated from Mays a few years ago.

So, I will be checking in here, rooting for everyone!

@SAMomofOne how exciting for your son. Mays is an exceptional business school. And as you have seen, business cannot always be taught. Should your son not get Mays I would suggest econ with a minor in business. Such a great degree plan and sets him up nicely for a change of major should he want it after 30 Aggie hours. But that’s not to say he won’t get in now. Just sayin that’s a great option. Ag bus is very ag focused

How high is his ranking in the top 25? Sat is pretty decent and hopefully he’ll get a solid act score. 27 and higher seems to be the mark as of last year but there were also some higher that didn’t get in and some lower that did. I’m glad I’m not in the admissions office!!! Tough choices. Best of luck to y’all and please ask away if you need anything! Oh and keep us posted!

Does anyone know if mays has filled up yet. Has any auto admits been deferred to their second choice?

@jk3287 no word yet. Review admits have been accepted to Mays as well. Seen several on here.

My daughter was admitted today!

When did you apply: 08/02/18
When did you get your UIN: 08/07/18
When did you receive your admission decision: 10/23/2018
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Allied Health/Education and Human Development (Pre-Nursing)
Class Rank: 25.5%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1320: Math: 740 EBRW: 580
ACT (with Sub Scores) 31: Math 31 Science 33 English 31 Reading 29

6 tabs early this morning. AIS updated at 3:30 this afternoon to Welcome to the Aggie Family and You’ve been admitted. Acceptance letter showed up in her communication this afternoon.

That’s awesome. Right at the academic admit. Congrats!

Our son is waiting on his decision. Originally his major choice was engineering but changed it this week. He is applying for Geology 1st and Biochemistry 2nd. Any ideas on his chances from previous years?

When did you apply: 8/31
When did you get your UIN: 9/5
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Geology/Biochemistry
Class Rank: 25% with a 3.55 GPA
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1250 (650 EBRW and 600 Math)
ACT (with Sub Scores): 29 (English 28, Math 25, Reading 34, Science 28)

EC’s: 4 year Marching Band and Concert Band (Held multiple band leadership positions including band captain), Worked on school IT Staff, ran track and cross country, earned several school academic and leadership awards.

Keeping our fingers crossed, Thanks for all of the help.

@Newaggiefamily @AggieMomhelp
Could you guys please let me know what you believe my chances of getting into the engineering program would be?