TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@dyl3131 changing 2nd choice now won’t hurt you. But let’s say you don’t get engineering and you have Mays and it’s full… they will admit you and ask you to choose another major. They will not turn you away just because your 2nd one is full. Try not to over think it. I think you’ll be just fine.

@dfw1212 ACT is great as is ECs. 2nd quarter not great but we’ve seen it happen. Not sure you’ll find out before January. But there’s still two months and I’m sure there will be 2 more waves before then so… hoping you hear!!! Keep us posted

@HT0192 2nd quarter is tough but not impossible. Sat score is great as is everything else. The algorithm they use is test score and rank so hopefully the score pulls it to the yes side. The other portion (ex’s essays lor etc) are great. So no issue there. Please keep us posted. Best wishes.

I finally got the school profile information on class rank and she missed the 25% cutoff by .5% so she is at 25.5%. Do they just lump you into that quartile or is it more subjective than that? She is has a 1280 SAT/27 ACT; 4.8 GPA and several AP classes. Also, EC for drill team; NHS; HOSA; Best Buddies plus over 100 hours of volunteer. She also was admitted into a very competitive Health Science program for 2 years that only takes 30 students across 10 high schools. Her major of choice is Biomedical Science. I posted this earlier but thought she was in the 25% class rank. Hoping for full admit but if Blinn Team is offered she will take it.

@AggieDreamin Ugh 25.5 that is frustrating. If it’s non ranking school then yes she’s assigned a quartile. If ranking then the reviewer will see actual rank; 55/700 for example.

Everything else is sooooo good and ECs are impressive. Act 27 is solid in my opinion. I hope reviewers see all that she’s done and accomplished! She’ll be a great asset!

@AggieMomhelp Thank you so much for the encouragement. It is going to be a long wait around here :slight_smile: it is a non-ranking school so maybe we will get lucky and they will rank her in the top 25%.

@Thema2 Do you work in the admissions office or are you a parent? I have a question.

@HopefulAg22 Thank you! We will!! :slight_smile:

@Newaggiefamily Thelma is a momma with lots of experience going through the process. What’s your question? Someone on here will bound to know the answer!

@AggieDreamin My daughter’s rank was also 25.5%. She was admitted last week with similar stats, EC’s, and courses as your daughter. My daughter called admissions and the PSC and they advised that a 25.5% puts her in holistic review. 25.4% and under is considered top 25%. That being said, when my daughter received her acceptance, her ranking changed from the actual number 346/1354 to top 25%. I hope your daughter hears good news soon!

@hbj2023 Congratulations on your daughter being accepted! Encouraging that acceptances for holistic are coming so soon. What major is your daughter planning to pursue?

When are TEAM decisions offered, typically?

@laxmom2000 typically in feb but with review getting early acceptances it could be January.

When everyone is referring to “tabs” are these tabs in AIS or Howdy?

Nevermind…I figured out it is Howdy!

@Newaggiefamily Aggiemomhelp is correct. I am a mom of a now Jr Aggie. He is the youngest of 3 and when he was going through this process in summer/fall 2015, it was so much more than my elder two’s universities. Great parents were here on CC to help us navigate it so I come back each cycle to help applicants and parents.

What is your question?

Would early college high school students still be considered for Blinn TEAM even if they should have their associates by the end of their senior year?

Dual Credit and Early College High Schools
College coursework completed prior to high school graduation
• Students with more than 40 hours cannot be admitted to Blinn TEAM, Engineering Academy at Blinn, or Gateway.

So do you think I have a better chance at getting full admittance or just a flat out denial ?

@Thelma2 Someone mentioned earlier that a review admit to Mays may be bumped for an auto admit later even if they applied early and accepted already. Do you know if this is true?

sorry @Thelma2

@Newaggiefamily Was that mentioned on CC? If it was, I must have missed it. I wasn’t on CC all weekend and I haven’t caught up on the posts.

Every auto and academic admit is admitted and placed into their first choice major (the only caveat being if Mays is full by the time an auto/academic admit submits everything-then they get 2nd choice or asked to pick another major that is open-other than engineering-Happened to friends of ours son) but I digress…

No one is getting bumped from any major and when admitted applicants decline their admissions, that doesn’t open up spots for others. Colleges send out more offers of admissions than students will accept their admissions and they have algorithms to determine this and how they reap their incoming freshman class.

The Fall 2018 report doesn’t come out until Nov 15, so according to the DARS report for Fall 2017, of Applied, admitted, enrolled, For first time in college (freshmen) 36,140 students applied to Texas A&M. 25,205 students were offered admissions (Full, Blinn Team, Gateway) 11,205 freshman students were enrolled. https://dars.tamu.edu/Student/files/Apply-Admit-Enroll-Sum-All-Fa17-incl-Galveston.aspx

In the past, review applicants were not receiving admissions decisions before Mid November and by that time, Mays business school was full. Auto/academic admits do have priority in that sense because the university MUST accept them.