TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Sorry for what?

I looked back at my stats I kept for every poster on CC the past two years. I am not doing so this year because of time constraints.

I don’t know how having all of those hours will affect admissions, even full. It is so hard to chance a review applicant because there is just so much we don’t know that AO’s see. My personal opinion is that you will be offered admissions over being denied.

Your DC classes that satisfy the University Core Curriculum will be accepted: English, government and economics, but the university may review how other classes will be applied.

Having credit accepted doesn’t mean it will help a student graduate earlier. The classes may or may not count toward a specific degree.

This site is the Transfer Course Equivalency and you can look at your school where you earned your DC and compare it with the common course numbers to see what satisfies the course sheet for the major you are wanting at A&M. https://compassxe-ssb.tamu.edu/HCA/ssb/transferCourseEquivalency/#!/inst

I called and asked about the rounding up thing and the lady had no idea what I was talking about. This would be huge for my son because he scored a 29 and if he took it there it would’ve rounded to a 30 and he would be an auto instead of a review. We would drive down for that for sure!!

@luckyaggie : What are your test scores and class rank? I read back a few pages and can’t find them.

All that I can see is that you will have your Associates Degree upon HS graduation, and it looks like if you have 40 hours of college courses that it will prevent you from being accepted into Blinn-TEAM, Blinn Engineering and Gateway. That is really unfortunate. I thought that the early college High Schools were designed to help students to more easily transition to the rigor and pace of college courses and become a 4 year college graduate.

I hope that you receive a full admissions offer to TAMU, it is unfortunate that your Associate’s Degree will knock you out of the alternate admissions process. Being a Review applicant at TAMU is difficult.

Good luck.

I wonder when the next round of acceptances will roll out. My son’s Howdy hasn’t updated since 10-10-2018.

As an update, he took the ACT Saturday, isn’t too confident because the science was way harder than the 2 times he took it (he scored a 29 and 30 respectively timewise on the Science). Hoping for a favorable curve on that. He said the Math and Reading seemed fairly easy and cannot comment on the English because he was confident in that last time (got a 24 - whereas first time he took, he got a 27). I am looking into the Residual ACT right now. Would love to confirm the rounding up as @aggiehopeful12 mentioned. I just wish they didn’t have the non-refundable clause on it because if we get his scores on 11/13 (we are shooting for taking test on 11/16) and they pass, then I will have wasted $120. LOL. Sigh.

I just called TAMU Testing Center - they can’t book anything yet (they are waiting for the “books”??). And I did ask about rounding - she said that it has to be 0.5 or higher in order to round up to next number. So I don’t know if that changed or what. I think we are going to wait until 11/13 (when results will be out), then, if needed, I will call to schedule his test at TAMU. Who knows - maybe (big maybe) he will have his acceptance by then. LOL.

@JaceyK I’m not sure about a “roll out” of acceptances but I do know my son mentioned one of his friends got his acceptance to both A&M and LSU yesterday (Sunday), which I found odd. Perhaps it was done on Friday and they just checked over the weekend, but either way it seems like they are updating portals almost daily.

When did you apply: 10/12/18
When did you get your UIN: 10/15/18
When did you receive your admission decision: Nothing yet
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Biomedical Sciences
Class Rank: 28/168
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1270
ACT (with Sub Scores)
I’m a senior, so I can’t take the SAT again. I’ve been in clubs all four years, and last summer I was admitted to TAMU’s Veterinary Camp. I don’t know if that might help at all?
My essay was reviewed by three teachers and some of the best students at my high school, and they all thought it was a great essay.
Since I’m a part of the founding class of my city’s early college high school, clubs were shaky at the beginning. Freshman year I was in Art Club, sophomore year I was the president of Music Club and I participated in Speech Team, junior year is whenever NHS was created for my school, so I’ve been apart of that for junior and senior year. Junior year I was in guitar club and film club. This year I’m in Film Club. My school doesn’t have sports because the school believes that the students need to work on their college work over extracurriculars.
I’ve also accumulated 68 hours at a local veterinary clinic, and a handful of 25 hours spent at organizations spread around my city.

@Thelma2 Thank you for the info!

When my son took ACT last year at TAMU (residual) the four components averaged to a 26.25. On AIS it scored him at a 27. They then send it off to ACT national where they also score it. TAMU will take the higher of the two. National score came back a 26 but TAMU still showed 27 for that test date. Now he went on and took a national test after that and got a 28, but yes TAMU definitely rounded up for my son and although I think he’s pretty special, I don’t think they care about him like i do! lol

Is there a way to remove a document formally uploaded? I have looked all over and do not seem to see a way to do that.

@luckyaggie Howdy! Your stats seem similar to my daughters and she is also hoping to get into the Biomedical Science program. Her application is waiting review as well. Wishing you the best of luck!!!

@AggieDreamin Thank you. Her major is Allied Health. She wants to go into Nursing.

roughly how long after noticing more than 3 tabs would a decision be made and if one does not have more than 3 tabs should he/she be worried?

@jk3287 I believe 6 tabs only show up once you’ve been admitted (it’s a sign of admittance before AIS fully updates for some people).

Way too early to be worried at this point. Only one round of admit review has gone out and it was small. I’m sure another wave is coming in the next couple of weeks.

@AggieMomhelp Around when do you think the next batch will be? you seem very wise about the whole process and im very curious to know. Thanks!

I think my son has decided to take the SAT again. He is frustrated because his score has stayed the same both times, but the second time was that June test that we heard so much about. Right now, I know he’d be TEAM at best. He’s in top 25%…great essays and LOR, NHS, STUCO, two-sport varsity athlete, volunteer hours, etc. BUT…his SAT is low (1180, I think).

He’s gotten into Tech, UH, and Texas State and we are still waiting to hear from LSU. For both A&M and LSU he’d need higher scores, so he is debating the retake in December. Do you think it would be “too late” to submit new scores mid/early December? He’s afraid it would be too late. It’s before the deadline, but his application has been in review for months. I knew he would be a long shot, but sent it in “just in case”.

@laxmom2000 I think all supporting documents must be submitted by the 12/1/2018 deadline but I could be wrong. @AggieMomhelp and @Thelma2 can probably answer more confidently than I can.

Adding…he’s Sports Administration

@laxmom2000 Has he tried the ACT? My son did way better on ACT. Had a 1240 SAT and a 28 ACT. And if he was able to take it at TAMU then he can beat the deadline of Dec. 1. I agree with @jaceyk that supporting docs are by 12/1 but I will look into it.

@AdamBarket I have a crystal ball. Wouldn’t that be nice? lol I’m strictly going off historical data. Last year the deadline was Jan 1 because of hurricane harvey. First round of admit reviews went out the week of thanksgiving. Then Dec. 15th, then Jan. 11 (I think) and then maybe one more round with Blinn team before PSA came out in Feb. This year with the deadline being Dec. 1, we saw the first round mid Oct. So I’m thinking the next one will be mid Nov.

That’s my hope for all of you any way! People that are reporting they are getting in sporadically either didn’t notice they had been accepted or they aren’t being honest. Tamu doesn’t typically release on a rolling basis for admit reviews. NOT to say it can’t happen, just not likely.