TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

is a 28 on the ACT a good score for TAMU?

Okay thank you so much for the helpful information @AggieMomhelp I really appreciate it! It’s helped to settle my nerves slightly :slight_smile:

@23hopeful, my son got in with a 28 ACT and top 14% plus a lot of ec/LOR from Vice Chancellor at TAMU/Boys State, etc. I have also heard of someone not getting in with a 28 top 15% a few years ago. It’s really hit or miss with all the extra stuff (essays, ECs, etc) plus competitiveness during that cycle. This year there have been several review candidates that have gotten in with less on the ACT or low SAT. They really do give it a holistic review which is great because every student is more than a GPA and test score.

@jaceyk My son was taught some “tricks” to help with the english part. Circling words/phrases etc. Kind of like annotating while reading.

Sorry - I think I need to correct my earlier statement. His school does not rank, but upon review I see that TAMU put him in the top 25%, so that would actually make him an academic admit not review. Apologize for the confusion.

I am on my phone and tagging the right people to respond to each thread is being difficult with spotty wifi, so pls pardon the group of tags to address many things.

@runsince6 @2019hope @agclassof95mom @aggiemomordad
The past 3 admission cycles, Mays is full by mid Nov. The admissions officer on TexAgs even states this online. Also in the past 3 admission cycles, review admits did not receive a decision before Dec 1 and in the past three cycles, Mays has been full by mid November with Auto and academic admits. A personal friend of ours, an auto admit, was placed in second choice, when he applied Nov. 22 in fall 2014 because Mays was full. This year, a very small number of review admits received admissions already but the majority will be after the deadline. A&M by law, must offer admissions to the auto admits and academic admits and place them into a major and therefore, the majority of review admits receive decisions after the deadline, when all of the auto/academic admits applications have been received and the applicants placed into a major. One reason Mays fills so quickly is that they only take 1000 students, were as Engineering in College Station is nearly half of the freshman student body, at around 4800 students, which just over half will remain in engineering after their first year, with a 55% retention rate.

A&M makes more offers of admissions than they will have accept their offer. On page 7 of the Common Data sheet, you can see how many freshman applications were received and processed (37,191), how many offers of admission (26,064) and how many enrolled (10,097). All universities have a formula in how many offers to make in order to reap their ideal size freshman class. Someone declining admissions does not open up a spot for admissions for other applicants. https://dars.tamu.edu/Student/files/CDS_2017-2018.aspx

@Thelma2 Thank you for all of the information! Since my son applied on 7/1, I’m going to ??? for review decision 12/15! Hope that’s not unrealistic!

I must be following an older forum on TexAgs. Can you send the link for the TexAgs admissions officer’s statement regarding Mays?

In the older thread on admissions, the AO mentions Mays being full several times. It is also the second post on the newer thread https://texags.com/forums/17/topics/2961491, as well as we have seen auto admits get second choice on this forum over the last three years that I have been on CC, since my son (Jr engineering) applied. Prior to me being on this board, @AGmomx2 was a wealth of information about Mays for many years on CC.

A&M and UT are the two most competitive public universities in TX to get into and unlike UT, as soon as the auto/academic admit application is processed, which is as they are received, they are placed into their first choice major (or second, if the first is full). Due to this, Mays is typically full before the application deadline and therefore, no room for review admits. For class 2021, more applicants accepted their admissions offer than anticipated and Mays had 100 more students than planned and it was tight to accommodate the overage.

This year, we saw the earliest review applicant decisions and a few of those happened to have been Mays. It is doubtful more will happen before Dec 1.

For Fall 2018, 12,138 top 10% applicants applied, 12,138 were admitted and 5694 were enrolled. That doesn’t include academic admits. https://dars.tamu.edu/Student/files/Apply-Admit-Enroll-Sum-All-Fa18-incl-Galveston.aspx. Mays only has 1000 spots for incoming freshmen. https://mays.tamu.edu/undergraduate-enrollment-plan-2016-2018/

For Fall 2017, Total applicants : 42,000
Top 10% admits: 11,205 applied and offered admissions. 5639 top 10% enrolled
Academic admits: 4300 applied and offered admission
Review Applications: 27,000 were scored
Holistic review admits: 3800 offered full admission
2400 were offered admission to Blinn Team
530 were offered admission to Gateway.
10,600 were offered PSA
7,000 were outright denied any admissions or pathway to admissions

Super helpful Thelma! I didn’t know Mays capped at 1000 and Engineering is 4800. Thank you!

@2019hope engineering does have a specific number of seats (though we don’t know the exact number) and when those are filled, they offer seats in Galveston for the first year (or until a student satisfies the entry to a major curriculum) then they offer the Blinn and Mc Allen engineering Academies. According to the DARS reports, that is roughly what each freshman engineering class is for College Station.

After the Engineering Academy admission offers go out, if an applicant is not offered a pathway, an option is to apply to Mc Allen or Blinn Brenham directly, or one of the other engineering academies partnered with A&M, for a pathway to College Station. Some apply before the academy offers go out as a back up plan.

@aggiemomhelp @thelma2 He took the test, and now all we can do is pray. He isn’t very confident at all. :frowning: Does anyone know if they curve residual like they do the regular test? He is really praying for it. He said that this time the reading was very hard and confusing (fyi he got a 32 and 30 on reading last 2 times he took it so for him to say this is upsetting), he thinks english was fine, math was so-so and science was easy. They didn’t tell him when he would know results (he didn’t ask). Argh.

Howdy all! I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about whether or not Mays is accepting review applicants yet and the answer is YES! One of my classmates, who applied to A&M in September with an ACT score of 28, in top 25%, out of state student, and received a full ROTC scholarship got accepted into Mays in early November. I’m not sure how much the ROTC scholarship helped with his admission, considering he also received it from Alabama and Clemson, but they have accepted review applicants. Hope this helped!

Meanwhile I applied around the same time as a review applicant Communications major and haven’t heard anything, hoping for at least Gateway
 also hoping to hear back some time before January if possible. If anyone knows the next wave for review applicants it would be much appreciated!

sorry for the overload of information, but here is my profile:

When did you apply: september 12
When did you get your UIN: september 14
When did you receive your admission decision: n/a
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: review
Major/College of Choice: communications/journalism
Class Rank: 99/329
GPA: 3.95
ACT: 25 (10 on writing)
EC’s: varsity softball 4 years (elected captain senior year), english NHS, DECA, over 100 hours of community service, travel softball, club basketball, yearbook (group leader 2 years), athletic club (athletes perform community service throughout our county), had a job for majority of high school
total credit hours by graduation: 21
-out of state student
-very strong essay, submitted a separate resume, and (hopefully) a strong LOR

-If anyone could let me know what they think my chances are it would be greatly appreciated! So far I’ve gotten accepted into Alabama, TTU, and U of H main campus. Really hoping A&M looks at me more than just my rank and test scores. Thanks again and wishing everyone luck on their admissions!

@jaceyk he’ll know by tomorrow. And as for curving
 my son had a 26.25 on his and they scored it as a 27. He then took national ACT and bumped to a 28 and gave up after that, lol.

@hopefulaggie23 Yes, agreed, several review admits have received admittance into Mays, but only a handful and it was surprising they found out so early, but YAY!!! Also, Mays is now full so no more review admits should get into business directly. People are going to have to want it bad and make the grades and change majors. It’s tough, but doable.

@AggieMomhelp Still waiting for my son to hear from A&M, he is a review admit and Econ major. He is wanting to switch majors to be in Mays
I am reading that they need a 3.8 to apply to change to the business school. Is that accurate? And is it still competitive at that point as a sophomore? or do the majority that apply for transfer get in?

When does the housing at A&M usually fill up? I’m a review admit so I’m worried by the time that I get accepted, I won’t be able to get into a good dorm hall. I have my eye on modular dorms with community kitchens.

@luckyaggie I cannot specifically say if/when the dorms fill up but A&M is one of only a few Universities that allow freshman to live off campus because apparently there is not enough room in the dorms. There are some really fabulous off campus options that are just across the street and honestly more economical than the dorms (and a lot nicer!). My daughter is planning to live off campus. Just an option to consider :slight_smile:

@calitex change of major is a 3.5 minimum core and overall Tamu gpa. There are certain classes they have to take before applying to change major and they also have to have 30 completed Tamu hours. Completed
 not enrolled. So
 can’t apply til after freshman year is complete and there are deadlines for the fall so earliest could be spring sophomore year. Check out the Mays page. It’s super informative and I’m repeating this from memory. And again, only 100 students are allowed in as change of major.

@luckyaggie housing fills up but you’re fine as a review admit. As long as you complete application for housing and pay your deposit within the first 30 days of being accepted, you’ll get housing. In May, you’ll be given a time to select what dorm and room you want. Very stressful and hullabaloo and modulars go quick. If you’re a single, you have a better chance than trying to find a completely open room. My son is in white creek on west campus and he loves it! They are spacious and have full kitchen and washer/dryer. A 4x2 is same price as modular. And now that white creek community center is open, they have great access to food, study rooms, convenience store etc.

When did you apply: Oct. 31st (finished applytexas) Nov. 6 (all docs submitted)
When did you get your UIN: Nov. 2
When did you receive your admission decision: In review
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Biochemistry/Forensics
Class Rank: 104/628 16.5%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1310 610 R 700 M
ACT (with Sub Scores) N/A
GPA: 3.69
EC’s: Orchestra 4 years 2nd top group (Elected-Secretary Junior yr, President Senior year), varsity cross country 2 years, Track 3 years, NHS, Student Council 3 yrs, 50+ Hours of community service, Key volunteering club 4 yrs, Job senior year of high school.
-first gen
-2 firm LOR’s

  • I was wondering if anyone could let me know on my chances of where I stand for getting into TAMU. I've been accepted into UTD, U of H main campus, and Texas State! Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you and good luck with your admissions everyone!