TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Just wondering if anyone can chance my son.

When did you apply: August 1
When did you get your UIN: A few days later
When did you receive your admission decision: still waiting
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering (electrical)
Class Rank: 220/1081 First Quarter
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1360 with 720 math

Football 3 years, National Honor Society, Science Honor Society, Charity Club, Church Youth Group leader, Life Guard in community 2 years, won life guard of the year

AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Calculus

We are dying with the waiting. He’s gotten into Texas Tech, Auburn and University of Houston engineering programs, but our whole family is Ags. He’s drunk the Koolaid and his heart is set on A&M.

Thanks so much!!

Sorry, it is Wyldlife (the middle school version). Does your SAT comment apply to Gateway and Blinn Team also? Thanks again.

When did you apply: October 9
When did you get your UIN: October 15
When did you receive your admission decision: In review
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Mays
Class Rank: 134/717
Weighted GPA: 4.40
Unweighted GPA: 3.97
ACT: 28
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1320, 670 on reading & writing, 650 on mathematics

Athletic training program 3 years, National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Church Youth Group leader, Treasurer in Student Council, Interact club, school ambassador, and earned student of the year award

AP Environmental Science, Dual Credit U.S History, DC Government, DC English

My daughter will be a first-generation university student and is eager to find out if she gets into A&M. We were curious as to her chances? Thank you guys for this super helpful thread!

@KeetsMom I can’t believe he hasn’t heard from the university as accepted and just in review for engineering. Great stats.

@flomodad its possible she could get team and or gateway. Just depends on the competition. Not the answer you want but that’s my feeling on it based on prior years. But I will say this year has already confused the heck out of us lol.

We have wyldlife too. Only one middle school though.

@boundco2019 Mays is closed as of November. What’s second choice major? The 28 act is what my son had last year. Top 14% and ended up hearing in dec but got second major choice of econ. Loves it so far. So even if Mays is out
 other great opportunities here as well as possible change of major after 30 graded Tamu hours!

Howdy! Here is the information for our son. We have limited him to checking once a week! Whole house is nervous. He isn’t though;) I remember when I had confidence in everything like that!

When did you apply: July 7
When did you get your UIN: July 10
When did you receive your admission decision: Not yet
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Class Rank: DNR - top 25% by A&M
GP unweighted: 3.9
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1270 (650 math, 620 Eng)
ACT (with Sub Scores) N/A

EC’s: 3 years varsity soccer, 3 years varsity golf, 2 years varsity CC, 4 years theater with leadership, 3 years One Act Play Competition as Actor and Prop Manager, Local Science Museum monthly volunteer for 2 years, NHS, 3 summer mission trip, Local Bank leadership Senior Student Board Member, Texas Boys State, High school Aerospace Scholar participant with week at NASA.

He has attended 2 engineering conferences at A&M plus spend the night with the Corps plus a Campus visit.

Great essay (we think) plus one solid recommendation letter (didn’t do more because they told us no one reads them?)

That’s it! Chances?

Thank you @AggieMomhelp for the encouragement. He would have been an academic admit but he is 10 points shy on the verbal/language portion of the SAT despite several tries. Keeping our fingers crossed!!!

Any decisions on PoliSci / College of Liberal Arts and Sciences?

What is the lowest SAT you have seen get in being a non-athlete

Figured i’d jump in on here, since i’ve been stalking forever. We’re a bit of a challenge, as you’ll see below, but my dd still has hope. :slight_smile:

When did you apply: July 7
When did you get your UIN: July 10-ish
When did you receive your admission decision: NA
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Zoology
Class Rank: DNR–ranked top quarter by TAMU
GPA unweighted: 4.0 (98.7 average!!); Dual credit from local college: 12 hrs (4.0 GPA)
SAT: 1010 (this is after taking it twice–850 on first one)
ACT: 21

my dd is a 17-year old senior (she skipped 8th grade), is only taking high-school physics this year, and the rest of her classes, she’s taking at the local college for dual credit. You’ll notice her standardized testing scores are NOT good. She is on the Autism Spectrum. She has a HORRIBLE time on standardized testing–she just doesn’t “think” like how the questions are posed. Yes, we had a rider from the psychologist. Yes, she’s taken the SAT twice. Some things, even with practice, cannot be changed–and her ability to take tests that are posed in a standardized question format is one of them. What are you gonna do, right? :slight_smile: You’ll also notice by her GPA (both high school and college credit), that she’s pretty darn smart.

EC’s: Global Student Ambassador for the Cheetah Conservation Fund (cheetah.org). She has traveled to Namibia and worked with the CCF in their conservation efforts. She has traveled to D.C. and spoken to the International Caucus on Conservation. She, at 17, is quite well-known in animal conservation circles. She has spoken at EarthX conventions, zoos, and has created a patch for Scouts (she’s a Girl Scout) all over the world for Cheetah Conservation. She has worked with the Wildlife Warriors Foundation (out of Australia) to raise funds for the CCF.

Outside of conservation, she has started an Autism Awareness program at our local community theatre. She talks to parents of Autistic children, and helps guide them into the theatre. Theatre has helped her social skills TREMENDOUSLY, so she wanted to pay it forward. She is an avid Girl Scout, and conducts “Cheetah Chats” for scout troops globally (via skype), and of course, locally.

LORs: The founder of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, her GS leader, and a letter from a professor in the TAMU zoology dept.

Also, she’s been accepted to Colorado State, University of Oregon, and Tarleton. Waiting on Washington and TAMU. Of course, TAMU is first choice.

@AggieMomhelp Her second choice major is Human resource decelopment which is outside of Mays. She wouldn’t be mad at being placed here at all! It’s nice to hear some reassurance as to her standings though. Thank you for your input!

@stewbie2 If TAMU doesn’t accept her, can I adopt her? Her ECs are outstanding and really shows her passion for zoology! Yes, the test scores are low, but I would hope that good ole Texas A&M can see past that and look at how she’s done both in HS and Dual Credit classes. She will bring a lot to TAMU and I believe the admissions department will see that based on all she’s done. In her essay, did she address having autism and thus her low test scores? It definitely doesn’t define her, but any “hardships” a student has to either overcome or adapt to handle it, should be addressed and applauded! Please keep us posted. You have one Aggie, if not now 100, rooting for her!

@BigHerms @thelma2 might have some stats on this. I can’t recall. I know I’ve seen as low as a 20 on ACT get into TAMU full admit but that was a couple of years ago. Sorry I can’t help on this one.

@libbyshims specific colleges don’t send out in waves. It comes from the admissions office. So when/if the Dec. wave comes out, you’ll see a bunch of different majors.

@Parents98 TAMU engineering may be a stretch. Maybe an engineering academy though! Those are great programs. Are y’all open to Galveston/McAllen/Blinn etc?

Okay now that the deadline has passed and it is strictly a waiting game, I’ve been thinking (I know, dangerous)
 Do you @Thelma2 and @AggieMomhelp or anyone else, think that things will run a little quicker this year? I wonder what prompted the decision to only allow Essay A. My daughter went to the Attending TAMU camp early in the summer and the spring aggiebound she got in the spring still listed 3 essays. (the one we got at a regional workshop over the summer listed just essay A). So it almost seems like the decision to require the one essay was made pretty close to the application opening.

@AggieMomhelp I have 2.
One is SAT: 1410 ACT: 33
Other is SAT: 1000

Yes very open to the Blinn academy! He checked yes on the questionnaire thank goodness:) He never was a standardized tester. All the way back to K. Great hard worker, never gives up and smart because of his diligence. I know I should have pulled him from the private school and put him in public school for the top 10% now:( He could have done that. But he is a better person because of his school. Good moral fiber and all that?

Thanks for putting up with all our hopes and dream commentary! And being willing to comment good or bad.

@AggieMomhelp Your post made me choke up a little. She is such an amazing young lady, and oh my gosh, I can’t put into words how honored I feel to be her mom. Yes, in her essay, she wrote about overcoming obstacles and challenges due to Aspergers. I actually read it every-so-often because it’s so powerful (to me, as her mom). She opens with,

“‘I am bold. I am strong. I am confident in myself.’ I repeat this phrase often. It may not look like much of a life statement to some, but to me, it’s important. My name is xxxx, I am 16-years old, and I have Asperger’s Syndrome–but this ‘disability’ that defines so many others, does not define me because I was raised in a home that was, and continues to be, a source of self-confidence, warmth, and acceptance.”

My heart. <3

She specifically addressed her test scores in a ‘box’ that asked to do so. :slight_smile:

@BigHerms I almost spit out my water
 seriously? A 33 on the ACT. Pretty sure you will get acceptance in the next wave. Never heard of anyone with higher than a 30 be denied. Ever!

@bluebayou Things to me are running just plain different this year. Not good or bad different, just different. The first small wave came a month earlier than last year. So at that point I would have said
 heck yeah, it’ll move faster. But since then there haven’t been any other waves
 not even the tiniest. So it’s really hard to say. I’m glad they cut back to one essay. 3 essays was ridiculous for all parties (students/parents(lol) / reviewers). One essay along with the whole package is perfect in my opinion (cause you know they asked me, right?)
 ; )

I do believe there will be a wave before the break. I have no idea how big, but I can’t imagine them waiting til after the first of the year. They are swamped and doing their best so I know they’ll want to get some out soon so there’s less to tackle in January! My gut, not knowledge.

@stewbie2 That is a fantastic and attention grabbing opening! More great things to come for her regardless of TAMUs or anyone else’s decision. We are the masters of our fate and the captain of our souls.

@AggieMomhelp what about the one with the 1000 SAT?