TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Wow I step out to watch a movie and bam, y’all have been busy.

Yes @thelma2 I agree. Tabs happen before 7am typically and then AIS updates. Could be that day or later. We’ve seen various time lapses on that. But rest assure if you guys see 6 tabs, you are good to go! And to reiterate… 6 tabs happen once a day. Not throughout. AIS can update sporadically.

As for 2nd choice… if first major is full and they are reviewing you and about to make decision… then you’ll see your 2nd choice major. I’ve only heard of positive things if this happens. Major changes equal probably gonna see tabs really soon!!!

@financeg Mays isn’t competitive… it’s impacted/popular for auto and academic admits. You either get in cause it’s open or you don’t cause it’s closed. But if Tamu admits you to even check to see if Mays is open then it means your accepted and will get second choice automatically assuming it’s still opened. Tamu doesn’t waitlist anyone. You will get a decision, good bad or ugly. As for your chances. Your sat is great but 2nd quarter could hurt you. So it’ll just depend on competitiveness of your class which we don’t know yet since no big wave has gone out. However… let me tell you that there’s a MS in finance that you can apply to as a sophomore. Amazing program and it’s for non business majors. My son is applying in the fall. He’s a current Econ major but wanted Mays soooo bad for finance.

@financeg, my son was admitted to Mays as a review applicant with a SAT score similar to yours, but a higher class rank. However, I believe that Mays is already full, but I’d think that you’d be a competitive applicant for your second choice major. Good luck.

I would also just like to add I did summer ACC dual credit classes, only 5 AP courses but all Pre-AP courses, taken 4 business classes, and have a weighted GPA of 4.97 and unweighted of 3.81. I don’t know if this information would help or hurt my case, but everyone here has great insight so I feel like any input would ease my thoughts.
Does anyone know how availability would open up for Mays or if that happens?

Does anyone know if AP credit weighs more heavily than dual credit hours? DS has only 1 finished AP class (Biology) and is currently taking 2 (Statistics & Chemistry), but he has 6 DC classes - 18 hours. Does taking DC instead of AP count against you or are they about equal?

@financeg, I’d certainly defer to @Thelma2 and @AggieMomhelp who appear to be in the know about everything A&M; however, Mays has an undergraduate enrollment plan (2016-2019) posted on the internet that describes the various pathways to admission. Assuming that you are admitted to your second choice major, you’d fall within category 3 on the webpage for "On-Campus Change of Major (also called change of curriculum). It appears that there are 100 applicants admitted annually under the current program and the prerequisites are described in the middle of the webpage. The hyperlink is as follows:


Another thing we have to consider is that the timeline last year was skewed by Hurricane Harvey - so who knows what we will expect…guessing today is not the day!

Mays doesn’t open up once it’s closed, sad to say. But as @fatherof2boys said there are pathways. Do your best and you’ll get your shot. Have to have 30 graded Tamu hours before you apply so it’s not a quick thing.

@jaceyk do you mean once accepted how do AP ad DC help or hurt or do you mean in the admission process? From what I’ve been told, they don’t look at course rigid and compare that to another student. That’s why the do rank. Now engineering gets down and dirty into that transcript and looks at readiness. Once in school your DC is on transcript. For Ap you have to accept the credit hours for then to count. Never do this until you have a degree plan laid out with advisor. You until senior year to accept credit. And I’ll also say, you may still have to retake course depending on your major.

@AggieMomhelp Thank you - I was asking about rigidity of course work in holistic review process. If they were to compare to others and say DS and another student have same rank and scores and it was a toss up for only one spot, would they then look at coursework? Or is that too detailed for them (might be done at some of the more competitive universities with lower acceptance rates)? My DS is simply beside himself - I want my son back. He is really putting all eggs in the maroon basket (has 3 other acceptances but this is THE ONE).

Also I am surprised no one else has responded about the LinkedIn thing that @AggieDreamin posted about earlier - anyone look at their LinkedIn notifications? LOL

@JaceyK I wouldn’t worry about the LinkedIn thing since no one else has seen this happen :slight_smile: It was probably just a fluke or coincidence. Maybe I registered on one of those “what are my chances” sites as myself but her stats and it was forwarded to the recruiting office.

My boyfriends Dad talked to someone at admissions yesterday that said next wave of decisions will come out in January- ugh I am so sick. I went to Aggie land day and they stated mid December - the wait is agonizing! Has anyone else been told January. Not sure who he spoke to.

I noticed this my daughter’s AIS. I think that probably means the supporting documents deadline did get pushed back to Monday the 10th - due to the 8th falling on a weekend.

Scholarship document has been received. Scholarship Application Received 12/1/2018.
Admissions file must be complete by 12/10/2018 for Scholarship consideration.
All documents received by December 10 will satisfy the scholarship deadline.

@AggieMomhelp what does “tabs open up” mean? Could you please look at my post at #1276

@OMGdontblink I think what “tabs open up” means is if your number of tabs go from 3 tabs to 6 tabs. Default, pre-acceptance is Home, Applicant & My Howdy. I think the new additional tabs (indicating acceptance) are: My Finances, My Record & Student Life.

@BlueBayouAZ my son’s reads the same with the exception of Scholarship Application Received 10/12/2018.

@JaceyK thank you!

@OMGdontblink So sorry, I thought I had replied to your chance me post. The test scores are great! I do think he has a shot of full admit with those even though second quartile. It will really come down to the competitiveness of the class of 2023. Being 2nd quarter hurts, but it’s not the end all. If they see he’s closer to top 25 than 50 then that would help, but I don’t know how much they dig. ECs are strong as well. Definitely stay hopeful and proud of all the accomplishments. Many pathways to TAMU. MY daughter was given PSA back in 2015. She went to Oklahoma State for a year, came back here and graduates from TAMU in 2 days (semester early). So, really, it’s all about where you want to end up… Best of luck and keep us posted!

@AggieMomhelp thank you. We are really hoping for full admit and he wants it so much. But he has gotten some great scholarships to other schools, he can always do a year at one of those and then maybe transfer.

@KWAGGIE I was told by admissions there would be a wave of admits in December. I have a feeling it’s all about who you happen to get on the phone and how informed they really are.

Gathered conclusion from these threads?

*Most Auto/Academic-admit should already received admission letter
*In-Review students are still in the application pool
*Any SAT 1260(83%) / ACT 27(83%) and below are in Review
*Competitive Majors are Likely Full: like Mays-Business, CS/Engineering, Ag/Life Sci-Bio

Top 2 distinctive academic reason for full admission. Rankings among peers.
Class Ranking percentile(top 25%) and SAT/ACT Ranking percentile(top 90%)

Class of 2023 give or take numbers.
42-43,000 Applied
24-25,000 will be Admitted when it’s all done

Base of prior years, this is what I think so far?
12,000 Top 10% Admitted (50% of Applications)
4,000 Academic Admitted
28,000 still in review (more like 18-19,000)
8-9,000 spots left to fill - [Full 3,000 / Team 4,000 / Gateway 800 / PSA 1,200] = 9,000

Good Luck and Gig’em

@texaggie I like it! Only question I have is what do you mean about the sat/act below 27 etc are still in review?