TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@JaceyK Have you been hearing others in your school receiving acceptance letters, outside of top 10%? We haven’t. My son attends a large 6A school and his friend that is ranked 101/1003 was just accepted. She is the first spot outside of top 10 and the only one he’s heard about. I think we’ve only had one or maybe two contributors on this thread that were accepted this past week. Seems like a “trickle” of letters and not a wave yet, atleast that’s what it seems like to me. We were told January/February time frame for a decision when we had our visit and again at the Spend the night with the Corps… pray that it’s sooner, but definitely keeping the faith as others around us are not hearing any news either.

@Thelma2 thanks for clearing that up. My 3 kids, '18(Non-Engr), '20(ChemE) & '23(BIME). I understand your point fully. I’m also class of '90, I lived it as most Aggie parents and will for another 4 years.

Just stating what we know from past year.

  • 9,100 out of 11,7000(applied) Engineer majors will be admitted
  • Engineering majors has higher requirement, SAT/ACT scores with Math and Science college readiness
  • Higher Req’r tells me applicants are mostly Auto/Academic admit
  • Most majors applied to admitted ratio is around 50%, Engineering applied to admitted ratio is 78%
  • Has some wiggle room for Freshman (General, Entry-to-a-Major)

9,000 spots left to fill from Review Applicants - [Full 3,000 / Team 4,000 / Gateway 800 / PSA 1,200] = 9,000?

What I should have said was -
‘Likely already admitted are Auto/Academic and Review applicants meet the engineering requirement are admitted too’

@BlueBayouAZ - my short for Math, English, Science and History

@KWAGGIE Sorry, try to stay away from individual thumps up or down. I’m a parent too.

Can just give one advice - Many roads will lead to College Station. It will be an amazing journey.

Thanks and Gig’em, Always

@jaceyk and @aggiedreamin - I need that keto version recipe too!! LOL. If you have a chance, please share it via PM with me as well. I’ve been keto’ing the last few weeks too . . . . . Thx

Thank you! That is helpful

Wow! I am so glad to find this forum! Would you please take a look on my daughter’s stats and let me know her chances?

When did you apply: 10/23
When did you get your UIN:10/26
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting…
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: 1. Biology 2. Microbiology
Class Rank: (138/546) 25%
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1320 MATH 670 EBRW 650
ACT (with Sub Scores)

EC- Taekwondo - black belt. Gold and Silver medals for National, State and regional competitions, Taekwondo assistant teacher for couple years now, lots of community hours.
Dual credit : 43 hours
AP classes: 3

She already got accepted at Baylor and TWU both with scholarships offers, but her preference is TAMU.

@LilBrazil does your daughter’s school provide rank? Since her rank caluculated is actually 25.2% I am curious if TAMU put your daughter in 1st Quartile? Her rank is almost exactly like my daughters and she ended up in 2Q. Your daughters SAT is slightly higher so that might make a difference.

Yes, her school ranks. I am new to all this things… Where can I see the TAMU rank?

Who makes the general admission decisions? Is it the main campus admissions or the regional offices? We visited the TAMU Dallas/Ft. Worth prospective student center for their admissions meeting back in June. I remember the lady speaking saying she was the admissions counselor for small, private schools in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and she works in that office. She introduced herself to the students from the small, private schools at the meeting. My son attends one of the largest 6A so she wouldn’t have been our admissions counselor. Just curious where the applications are reviewed and if different locations release their acceptances on different dates based on their progress through the applicant pool? Or do all general acceptances flow from the main campus? Of course, I am not referring to eng. here, I understand they are a holistic review from that department.

Also, I wonder if an official visit makes a difference. I know they can see if you have made an official visit. My son has attended numerous sports camps and stayed in the dorms and toured campus with friends and gone to the regional office admissions meeting BUT he has not done an official tour. Wondering if that indicates a lack of interest?

HI Aggie Moms & Dads. These are questions from IL parent for Aggie accepted Kid.(Engg pending, But I am positive kid will get it ).

  1. OOS kids are only 5% max. So TX kids are close to 95%. How difficult to get adjusted for a kid raised in Midwest their entire life.

  2. We(family)are planning to move to TX . If Kid gets OOS waiver great, otherwise how can we get Instate Fees from first year( i know for sure from second year we get Instate fee)

  3. Q on academics, with that high% engineering intake, will there be good classroom(learning) experience for kids. or they will be in huge lecture halls with only self learning.

  4. I hear lot of things about Aggie Life, Aggie bond and Aggie parents … Can someone explain in couple of sentences in simple way.

  5. If we wait till kid finalise his college options , will housing be available ( Feb is the earliest when we visit ) or your recommendation here.

  6. Lastly, why & How TAMU is better than UT-A (If at all ) ? Again couple of 1 liners please.

So…daughter made a decision that she WILL finish an Aggie. Period. We signed with Aspire for housing and she will do a year of Blinn if necessary since we haven’t heard yet. Note: look up the guaranteed admission through state junior college option. That’s what she’s decided on if she doesn’t get in.

@Docloraine sounds like a good plan! Apire is nice so she will love it there. We will likely do the same thing at The Standard in Jan if my daughter does not hear but her roommates have received acceptance. Exciting either way!

@texaggie I hear ya. I have a '20 engineer as well and had wonderful folks on CC help us through the process, and stuck around to pay it forward, these past few admission cycles.

@JaceyK it could be that there won’t be a release of decisions before Winter break or there could be. We just don’t know.
Prior year releases in Dec were not huge. There were just some. The decision releases that happen for review admits for full admission, came in January and February.

Tell your son that while some review applicants do receive a decision “early”, most don’t and January and February are more realistic months to expect a decision.

Admissions watches very closely what the freshman class size looks like as they process and place into majors, all of the Auto and Academic Admits. The deadline for supporting documents for all applicants was just 3 days ago, since the original deadline fell on a weekend.

Once they have an idea of how large the the class size is from the auto/academics, will they determine how many more full offers can be made to review applicants. This part of the website says they offer 35% of review applicants some type of admissions. http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/admitted.

So after looking closer at my Dd high school transcript I think from her transferring high schools last year her gpa was calculated wrong. The counselor think maybe so as well. So they are checking into it. We think it might’ be 4.375 from 4.17 where she was ranked 14%. Hoping maybe it will bump her up to 10%?? Even not it would help her chances. BUT since the deadline has passed for things to be submitted how in the world would we get this info I there BEFORE they review her. The counselor said they would look at it and it would be a couple days because they also have to get approved counting an algebra 1 class that she took on 8th grade as an honors class but the high school she is at now doesn’t offer algebra 1 in honors. But she earned credit for it as an honors class so they are trying to get the superintendent to approve it). But how would I get this corrected gpa and class rank to admissions now that they stopped accepting stuff?! It was the high schools mistake!

@runsince6 On your DD’s AIS page is a button to contact admissions. I would have your DD do that, explain the situation and go from there.

Good luck and let us know the outcome. Good Luck

Calling Admissions might get you a clerk/secretary vs an admissions officer. Also, there is an Admissions Officer who posts on TexAgs. Tag them @TAMUAdmissions. You will have to register in order to post. The answer comes from an admissions officer, not someone working in the office. This is the most current admissions thread. https://texags.com/forums/17/topics/2961491

@Thelma2 It looks like you have to be an Aggie to get get access to the forum on TexAgs.

@Thelma2 I think I was able to ask my question on the link you sent without full verification on the site…we’ll see if they see it.

I see it @AggieDreamin

Oooh someone else to bug! I wanna ask my questions too! :slight_smile:

@JaceyK That forum doesn’t seem very active (unlike us crazies 8-} ) but hopefully they will see it at some point soon.