TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@AggieMomhelp So are academy offers over as well?

I’m not sure, but if there aren’t any more offers by this weekend, then I would say they are based on the economic conference I went to last week.

Howdy! My son just was offered admission into one of the Engineering Pathways. Any feedback on Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn? Positive/negative? I read they can still apply to live on campus at Texas A&M main campus. I also read financial aid is considered differently. Thanks and Gig’em!

@AggieMomhelp Sorry if I misworded or had wrong information, but my dad and looked at the different pathways and we found this for blinn
"Entry-to-a-Major Process: The primary pathway to a degree-granting major in the College of Engineering is the entry-to-a-major process. Engineering students in the Engineering Academy program are strongly encouraged to apply to a degree-granting major as early as possible upon meeting the following two eligibility requirements:

  1. Must be in good academic standing in the Engineering Academy program, which implies a CGPA of at least 2.0 at TAMU and 2.5 at the partner community college, and
  2. Complete at least two math, two science and two engineering courses.

Students who complete the required coursework and earn a 3.5 CGPA or higher at each institution are guaranteed entry to the first choice engineering major at the end of their first year. Detailed information can be found on the Engineering Academy Entry-to-a-Major website."

The difference between this and cstat or galveston, to be in good “academic standing” one has to have a CGPA of at least 2.0. This makes it more fair as students from Blinn (who take easier classes) have to have a CGPA of 2.5 to be in good standing.

@AggieMomhelp What is based off the conference?

@AgMomClassof03 What were your son’s stats?

I emailed admissions and they replied quickly with this:


Thank you for your email request.

Please continue to monitor your AIS portal. Decisions will continue to be released over the next several days. If you have further questions, please contact the processing staff via your AIS page by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ link, select ‘Ask a Question,’ then select the appropriate email subject type. You may type your inquiry in the box provided.

Thanks & Gig ‘em,

So, all positions are filled and if the student applied after Oct. 15th there is no hope because all spots are filled with early admits?

@Thelma2, is your sense that Engineering has put out all the offers of TEAB, Galveston, McAllen that you think they will? For those who haven’t heard anything yet and believe they have competitive stats, it seems premature to me to panic. As we know, it’s difficult to find anyone in Admissions who is truly credible.

TAMU is doing things a little different this year. It seems very likely to me that the TEAB spaces will fill first after that recent option was given to some applicants, and that there will still be space available in Galveston and McAllen after that. It seems reasonable to me that Admissions will wait for the option dust to settle, then notify again, perhaps with fewer/no choices. We would all love to hear credible information on their plan.

I have met the Blinn professor who is teaching Engineering to TEAB students at RELLIS. He’s very experienced and seems like a very reasonable person to me.

I just spoke with someone in admissions and she stated that there is still a release coming by the end of this week and it will include ALL types of engineering admissions. I’m hoping she knows what she is talking about. I was on hold with her for a little while. She said to keep checking AIS and Howdy. Hopefully we will have an answer one way or the other by Friday! We will figure it out regardless of what happens…GOD is in control but his uncertainty is KILLING me!

One of the issues last admissions cycle was that no one who was actually involved in TEAB seemed to write in about their experience. If a person has time, they could consider driving down to RELLIS to see how things are going, or perhaps someone knows someone in TEAB this year. RELLIS is a beautiful facility, for sure.

@learner234 At the conference a rep from TAMU stated decisions will be sent out be end of week (he kind of made it sound like Sunday, not Friday, but who knows). He also said record number of applicants, they’ve extended 20k offers thus far, etc. I posted this last week. You can find it on the non engineering thread.

@angsmi Cstat is full for Engineering, however we are unsure if more academy offers will be sent out. I think they will, but that’s just a gut not a for sure. And no, as long as you applied by the Dec. 1st deadline, you are given the opportunity. BUT, applying early is always in everyone’s best interest. It’s like why would you not want to put your best foot forward (unless waiting on test scores)

@sdwims all engineering students go through ETAM. I didn’t realize the GPA minimum would be different though. Good find. However it will be irrelevant if that’s the GPA someone applies with. = )

@aggiemom96, that seems very reasonable to me. I might expect the next round of Engineering admissions to feature fewer/no choices.

Parents, the most important thing for freshman success is to follow up with and support your students a lot next year. Don’t plan any contingency for them to fail to get past ETAM. Keep in very close contact so that they will successfully get past the math placement exam, start having good successes, and ultimately get the major they want. Contact them and ask for details about their classes and such, even if you believe they are doing fine.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg That is excellent advice. It’s crazy the amount of stress these kids are under. Times are way different than when we were in school. The technology alone adds so much of the stress. Where to find what in each class and sometimes one class will have 3 sites to find their work assignments. It’s insane. So yes, support those students. They may not know they want it, but they do need it especially that first semester. Then after that, it all works out. = )

I called admissions and the woman I spoke to said that there are still admits to roll out for engineering as they are behind. She also says they have not gotten the official word that cstat engineering is full. I don’t know what to think but I guess we will just wait. Like there is a choice. :slight_smile:

Hey you guys, this is the article from the conference I went to. Now at least you’ll know I’m not crazy, lol. Hopefully the moderator will let this go through. It’s from our local paper, The Eagle. So if it doesn’t post, check it out. It might seem dim, but it explains what they are thinking and where we’re heading.


@AggieMomhelp this pertains primarily to review admits correct? It doesn’t speak much to engineering. My son was an automatic admit in September, top 8%

@sdwims Hey after doing some research we both read that wrong. What it’s saying is if you’re at the academy… You will have 2 different GPAs. One from the community college and one at TAMU. The CC one must be a 2.5 and the TAMU must be 2.0. If you get a 3.5 at both locations, you’re guaranteed your first choice major. Does that make sense? Or is that how you understood it and I was confused, lol?

I take back what I mistakenly said earlier about a Blinn professor teaching engineering classes at RELLIS to TEAB students. Sorry, folks.

The TEAB students take their ENGINEERING classes through A&M until ETAM (can take up to 5 credit hours each semester through A&M), and their math, science, and core curricula classes at RELLIS through Blinn faculty. Note that the ENGR 102 and follow-on engineering class may not leave much credit hour room left for additional A&M classes. On the other hand, Blinn is a far better than average two-year college. They have one of the highest transfer rates in the country, have had a long and very tight relationship with A&M, and should have good faculty.

There would be a lot of money savings going this route, and the FAQ says that students are eligible for on-campus housing at A&M. I would expect Blinn’s tuition and fees to be maybe 1/3, and certainly no more than 1/2 of what A&M charges.

Instate per 3 hour course is about $550 based on what my daughter paid for a history class she didn’t want to take at TAMU (she loathes history). That’s fees and everything. Now I’m not sure if TEAM pay a bit higher than that or not in extra fees, but I would doubt it would be any different.