TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions


My son (also out of state) submitted his application on Oct 14th. Received his UIN on Oct. 17th. Was admitted to the University on Oct. 23rd and received his engineering acceptance on Nov 1st.

Hope this info helps some! From what I have read, there seems to be no real prediction as to how acceptances will go out this year. My understanding is that so far there has only been one real “wave” of acceptances to go out and that was on Oct. 12th (I think that was the date). So don’t be discouraged, hopefully there will be another round to go out soon. Good luck!

Thanks for the info, and congratulations to your son! May I know which engineering major he was admitted into? My first choice is Computer Engineering, so assuming there is a ton of competition, but either way looks like I might know in a week. Fingers crossed.

To my knowledge I thought every student gets general engineering. You don’t select specialty til after freshman year and you apply for it unless you have 3.5 after first year.

I think @AggieMomhelp is correct in that you are admitted to general engineering initially. My sons portal says General Engineering (Mechanical). I guess they included the mechanical since that was his first choice major?? He listed chemical as his second choice.

@1stCollBound @DocJake @AggieMomhelp

Every engineering student is accepted into general engineering for their fist year, regardless of what they put on their application for first and second choice major.

When a student Applies To A Major (ETAM) depends on when the student completes the core engineering classes with a grade of C or better. Their first opportunity to ETAM is April of their freshman year.

Every engineering student will Apply To A Major regardless of GPA and regardless if they qualify to be placed into a major. Those who don’t qualify (because they didn’t satisfy the requirements) will simply not be placed into a major. Two GPA’s are taken into account through ETAM. The overall GPA and the engineering required courses GPA. Those with an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher, are placed in their first choice major. Those with an over all of 3.49 and under, undergo holistic review by each major according to the list in order of preference made by the applicant.

For instance, an applicant will list at least 3 and up to 5 engineering majors to be considered for. 3.5 GPA gets their #1 choice on their list. Those with 4.9 and under, will be reviewed by their #1 on the list and accepted or declined. If declined, the application goes directly to the #2 major on the list and the process continues until the applicant is accepted into a major.

Applicants are encouraged to confer with their engineering advisor before applying to a major so that the applicant is applying for a realistic goal. The college publishes the GPA’s threshold of what applicants were accepted into the majors and they want to make sure applicants are applying with realistic goals. For class 2021, an applicant below 3.0 overall GPA was not be accepted into Mechanical Engineering yet the lowest overall GPA for Computer Science was 2.9.

After the first ETAM in April of freshman year, ETAM is offered again the Fall (November with decisions in January) of sophomore year and again in Spring (April with decisions in June) of sophomore year. If someone isn’t in a major after that, there are too many variables in play of what happens next.

Here is a listing of what the Spring 2017 ETAM admissions looked like. I wish they had kept prior year links active, as I did not copy them, not thinking they would take them off of the page!! Each year they tweak the process. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/resources/analysis-spring-2017-admission-cycle/index.html

This link is the ETAM Application preview and you can actually download a sample application! https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/application-preview.html


Thank you so much for clarifying this and for the in-depth information!

Do you have any tips/additional information on the competitive scholarships/tuition waiver?? It is my understanding that they are hard to come by… Thanks again!

The oos tuition waivers are out of my area of knowledge and I never looked into it to learn, being we are in state. The state only allows a university X number a year. States don’t want to fund oos kids at instate schools.

There are different scholarships and they can stack. Meaning if you get X from one scholarship, it can stack with another to total the 4K. Then there is criteria for keeping them.
Some of the scholarships are awarded before May 1 and many after. They are competitive.

@Thelma2 Thanks so much for your response! I know it’s a long shot but we will certainly pursue the options that are available and pray it’s God’s will. Our son fell in love with A&M on our first visit and has his heart set on becoming an Aggie. Hopefully we can find a way to make it work. We can afford the in-state cost but the out of state tuition is just probably out of the question. I have a daughter that will be entering college in two years. I know that many if not most are in the same boat. Thanks again!

If anyone applied to the Brockman Foundation Scholarship, come visit us over at the link below. Some students received emails yesterday with interview dates for next week!


I logged into AIS and no change, just said “Engineering Review”. But I think the status on my howdy has changed. Don’t really remember what it said before, but the Major and Program entries seem new. Can someone please confirm what this means - if anything?

Texas A&M University - College Station Fall 2019
Application Status: WHOOP! You have been ADMITTED
Level : Undergraduate
Major: ENGE
Program: BAC-ENGE-CC

@DocJake Congratulations! ENGE is engineering, but not sure what CC is…perhaps the proper abbreviation for Computer Engineering?? Its all good, and AIS should hopefully change soon to let you sign up for NSC.

When did you apply: OCT 15
When did you get your UIN: Oct 17
When did you receive your admission decision: 11/6/18
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Computer Engineering
Class Rank: 5/234
GPA: 4.00 UW / 4.31 W
ACT 36
SAT 1580
AP classes: 9
Out of state student

Thanks @Eggscapgoats. I check AIS this morning and I’m in!!! Wow, that was a great way to start my morning :slight_smile:

Major: General Engineering (Computer CS track)

College: EN
Degree: BAC
Location: College Station

So I realize everyone does GE for the first year or so, but does the fact that they list Computer CS track in brackets mean that if I wanted to do Computer Engineering (CS Track) after that General Engineering period I would be automatically accepted or do I have to go through another application process at that point?

@DocJake Yes, great way to start the day! Big sigh of relief!! So to formally get into computer science, you go through the application process of entry to a major (ETAM), as early as spring of your freshman year. Look at thelma2’s post #144 for great info, or search ETAM on this site, or goto the Tamu website. I am learning too and this site has been so helpful! Enjoy your day!

Seems like a long time since the wave came out Oct 10 or 11. I know some have trickled in since with great SAT or ACT scores. Either no great admission waves in the last month or we are just not hearing about them. Very frustrating!!! Sorry. I’l quit venting now. Congrats to all who have heard by now.

When did you apply:10/14/18
When did you get your UIN:10/16/18
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision:11/16/18
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit?: Academic
Major/College of Choice: Chemical Engineering
Did you get in: Yes
Class Rank: DNR (1st quarter by A&M Admissions)
ACT/SAT (with Math Subscore): 33 (math 33)
NHS, National science honor society, Math honor society. 3.93 out of 4 GPA
AP Chem 5, top 10 Memphis regional chemistry olympiad, president of a state winning robotics team.

@Woodmansharp How were you notified of your acceptance…email, portal or regular mail?

This is for my son, who I let handle things himself and missed the October 15th deadline. Sigh.

When did you apply: OCT 22
When did you get your UIN: OCT 27
When did you receive your admission decision: NOT YET
When did you receive your (engineering) admission decision: NOT YET
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: REVIEW (by 10 points!)
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1350 TOTAL (660 MATH, 690 WRITING & LANGUAGE)

State robotics competition, engineering notebook published for rocketry competition, 4 years of band, varsity sport, and foreign language, volunteer hours interpreting, lots of DC hours, he’s taken the most advanced courses his school offers, senior project, NHS… pretty normal stuff for a smart kid with some support.

Chances at this point? He says that if he doesn’t get into Engineering, he’ll go elsewhere. I’m class of '94 and my husband is '93, but I say that if he doesn’t get on-campus housing, he’ll go elsewhere. :wink: He’s received some attractive offers from TX Tech and Arkansas. We’re going to visit Arkansas on Tuesday.

Going crazy here waiting for the Engineering review. Son applied early and got accepted to A+M as auto admit. I was hoping to hear sooner than this so he can make some decisions if he doesn’t get in the engineering school.

Hang in there, the decisions are rolling, it changed for my son today from ‘review’ to ‘general engg.’. It took a week for engineering review to complete. The general admission decision came in last tuesday