TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Is this for an Engineering major? I never heard of it, but the TAMU offered alternative given to those on Friday 1/31 did not have this as an option to pick from.

It’s a degree from a TAMU system school (NOT TAMU) obtained on the Rellis campus. https://rellis.tamus.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/2019/06/19003-Academic-Programs-06122019.pdf

Yes, my son requested Engineering as both his first and second choice.

I think Last year Rellis was just one of the additional programs that started emailing/mailing my daughter with offers to enroll. She was hit hard with TAMU-Texarkana stuff pre and post PSA. Most of the Rellis stuff came after PSA.

It’s not am “alternative pathway” as we think of them in this thread. It’s the equivalent of going to Texas A&M Corpus Christi - but doing that at Rellis. It offers certain degrees.

Example - if you study BS in Criminal Justice there the degree will be from Prairie View or Tarleton. BS in Biology will be TAMU - Texarkana. It’s only about a dozen degrees.

Thank you all for the clarification on Rellis. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like that’ll be a good option for my son. Fortunately, he had already lost confidence in A&M and opted to move forward with his second choice school - Texas Tech! We haven’t been to visit yet but I hear great things so we’re getting excited!!!

I must say that while the decision is disappointing I’m much more disappointed that after applying for engineering “early action” back in October it took 4.5 months (with no updates or communications from A&M) to be told that he’s only offered Rellis. He had already been accepted to a few system schools and even UT at least offered him PSA (and responded in a much more reasonable timeframe). Wish we could have received a straight answer by the date they committed. I get that they are overwhelmed but if you provide a date you should meet that commitment or at least provide some sort of update - isn’t that what we’d expect A&M to teach our children to do at their jobs?

@ccjjmm So from your last comment # 3664 “to be told that he’s only offered Rellis” - Can I just ask for clarification was Rellis an engineering decision offered to you by TAMU or has all the Rellis opportunities correspondence come from the system schools that offer degrees at Rellis through the Academic Allliance Prog on the Rellis Campus? Things have been SO different this admission cycle I’m just wondering if this is yet another ‘twist’?? Are you still waiting on a final admission decision from A&M or have you received some form of notification?

We have still heard absolutely nothing from TAMU. Nothing as far as admit or denial. It is very frustrating to say the least.

That is a great question and something I hadn’t thought about that may be helpful for others. My son’s “change major” button disappeared in Howdy on Friday, then disappeared in AIS on Sunday (I think). Both Howdy and AIS still say “under review” and show his major choices of Engineering (chemical #1, mechanical #2). AIS doesn’t show any letters/emails other than acceptance of his application back in October. This is all as of 9:41 am today (Tuesday).

The email he received at 7:21am today came from blinnbound@blinn.edu with the subject of “your invitation to the TAMUS Academic Alliance at RELLIS”. The email starts by saying congratulations you are invited to RELLIS and then says on Behalf of the TAMUS and the Blinn College district we invite you to enroll at RELLIS
as a TAMU applicant blah blah blah
and the email is signed by John Sharp, Chancellor at TAMUS and Mary Hensley, Chancellor at Blinn College District.

Hope that helps!

OK, I know you’re a student
 but I find it distasteful that because your situation hasn’t worked out the way you wanted, that you have to go and attack other students who have posted on this forum. You have no idea what else is going on with that student and stats aren’t everything. I didn’t say anything the first time, but I feel like you need to worry about you and not someone else. [/DadRant]

Follow up - I am assuming that this IS our decision from A&M, but maybe I’m mistaken? This is the closest thing to any communication we’ve received from A&M so I took it to be the final word but who knows, maybe it’s a whole separate thing? We have received emails and letters from system schools but nothing that referenced RELLIS until today. Since his Howdy/AIS changed recently I’ve been on the lookout for a PSA message and figured this was the next tier down offer for those they aren’t giving the option of PSA.

@ccjjmm I feel sure (actually hope) you’ll have to hear directly from TAMU re. their final decision -it was them you applied to so they’d have to bring closure to it (positive or not the outcome you were hoping for) ). I’m intrigued that you’d be contacted by TAMUS Academic Alliance Prog when none of the participating system schools there seem to offer a direct engineering pathway when both your son’s major choices were engineering? I could see a link should a student not gain admission to a major at CStat that can be offered thro’ Rellis eg Criminal Justice; Psychology; Business Admin; Biology etc, etc. There’s obviously some sharing of application info goes on.


Wow, for a year of “new twists”, that “Rellis invitation from Blinn” twist is really odd and very confusing.

Can you check with TAMU admissions about what this means regarding your son’s TAMU application? This may have NOTHING to do with his TAMU application. Don’t make any binding decisions until you have all of the facts.

What were your son’s stats?
Good luck.


It seems to me that TAMU has not given you a final decision. The Rellis invitation seems to be separate, but strange in the timing that’s for sure

Did anyone who went to Aggie Saturday know or talked to someone who knew when Waitlisted/Blinn Team will get notified if they got in to either one?

I am not attacking OTHER STUDENTS. I am unsatisfied with the way tamu admissions is handling things. It is ABSOLUTELY nothing personal. Simply, I was using that as an example to convey the pure inconsistency and unfairness admissions has. As i said, i find it extremely absurd that a&m would offer engineering academy and ADMIT a student with a 580 math subscore, let alone a 1210 SAT. The only possible way they got admitted was because they were 10% out of 85 students. 85 STUDENTS. When i know kids that grinded beyond belief for just 25 %

Hi, I’m new and I’m catching up on this thread- did you by chance got the three alternative options for engineering as well as this email, or is it the first time you heard anything from TAMU?

So, let’s game that out. Obviously, at least one other student has posted these stats and gotten a result that you feel is unfair. By pointing out these stats, how could that person read your post and NOT feel that you are attacking them?

@ccjjmm I would definitely wait until there is an official change on AIS before making any decisions.

But the timing is definitely interesting (and could be just coincidence) . Didn’t even know that such program existed. For those interested, read it here:


“The RELLIS Academic Alliance allows students to take their freshmen- and sophomore-level courses through Blinn at the Walter C. Schwartz Building and then transfer seamlessly to leading Texas A&M University System universities that are also co-located at the RELLIS Campus to complete their bachelor’s degree”

i understand if you were upset how TAMU has not been 100% transparent, or how they havent been communicating and being clear with their decisions ( like the engineering waitlist ). but there should be opportunities for a diverse group of students, not just based on “stats”. for all you know, that person couldve had a death in the family when they took their SAT or have a disability or arent good test takers. they can figure out later down the line if engineering is not for them because they arent good at math or whatnot. and they may also have to learn that the hard way.

a person with a high sat score may not have the best character, ethic, or personality. stats arent everything and the SAT / standardized testing should NOT define what a person can do or who they are.

@mikeinsugarland thank for fishing that out. To be clear, Rellis is not a 4 year university. You will not go into Tamu cstat only system schools like the ones offered with PSA.

If you are applying to Blinn CC, you can select which campus you want
 Bryan or Rellis. I believe you can take classes at both regardless of which one you select tho.

Rellis is brand new. My son works for TTI which is located there. Buildings are very spread out and they are continuously building and will continue to build. There are no dining options or bookstores etc. blinn Bryan has all of that.