TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@justwondring I don’t see any other posts from you. Do you mind sharing stats? Typically when one person sees the amazing 6 tabs, more than one person on here sees the same.

As to @linbad If first choice major is full upon acceptance, they will bump you to 2nd choice. My son had Mays and he got econ(2nd choice) back in the 2018 cycle. So it truly doesn’t matter. It will matter for engineers if they list first and 2nd… then they will most likely get some sort of offer or PSA.

Thanks for pointing this out! Well, I guess it goes to show us that our admissions counselors aren’t always the best source of information. :smiley:

Would Thelma & others please give your perspective:

Application in Dec. 1st - currently Under Review
Student Stats: Top 25% 113 out of 524
SAT 1190 - Eng 630/Math 560 - this was his 1st score, HIS plan was to not re-test unless he isn’t admitted…
GPA 3.94 - Lots of AP & 33 hrs Dual Credit
Volunteer hrs
25 hrs week as a lifeguard
School internships at hospital & dental office - hired part-time by dentist office.
Band/Football/School aide
2 ltrs of rec, all essays
Requested biology major for pre-dental
Did I forget anything?
He’s been accepted by two safety & two match schools.
A&M and UT are his reaches…
Thoughts? And is mid-January too soon to expect to hear?

Second question:

If you applied as a Freshman admit and are awaiting a decision, can you simultaneously apply as a Transfer? Or have to wait until you receive your decision?

@cookmom you can’t be both a freshman admit and a transfer student. So, no, you can’t submit another type of app while awaiting the first. IF you’re not admitted as a freshman, you’d have to follow and meet, at least, the minimum transfer requirements post high school graduation. Your dual credit earned during high school would not count as making you a “Transfer” applicant.

@nomatter is correct. However, dual credit will count towards your minimum 24 credits but they’ll want to see at least an additional 12 credits in college setting for transfer AND you can’t apply for spring admit you’re first year out (at A&M at least).

@cookmom his stats look good except the SAT. It’s low for Tamu average of what we’ve seen accepted for holistic candidates. People last hear were turned down with over 1300. His ECs look good and really show his passion or interest at this point in dental school. It’s awesome that he knows at this age exactly what he wants!!! I know kids that just graduated from A&M and don’t have a clue what to do next.

Thanks, he’s very focused. I will encourage him to take a Prep course and Re-test in March, unfortunately at that point it would be too late for reconsideration. :frowning:

I am a high school senior and i am stressed out about whether i am going to get into Texas A&M and Ohio state. I am a Texas resident and dont know if i should go to Ohio state because of how expensive it is which is making me lean towards TAMU. However i dont know if i will be admitted to TAMU because i am applying for Biomedical engineering and i heard stories of qualified candidates getting rejected because of how competitive TAMU engineering is. Here are my stats
-SAT: 1330 : 700 Math, 630 Reading
-Rank: Top 22% (graduating class of 1600)
-Will have taken 8 AP classes
*Calculus BC (in progress)
*Lit.(in progress)
*Biology(in progress)
*Macroeconomics(in progress)
*Government(in progress)
*World history(4 on exam)
*United states history(5 on exam)
*Comp. ( 3 on the Exam)
-not many extracurriculars
-Applied to both regular decision

When did you apply: 9/15/19
Class Rank: 148/832 (Very Competitive School). GPA is a 4.1 weighted (school does not do unweighted)
-taken all pre-ap/ ap classes when I could, and scored 3’s or higher on all AP tests.
-graduating summa cum laude
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1210
ACT (with Sub Scores) N/A
When did you receive your admission decision: Haven’t Yet
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic No
Admit or Review Admit:No
Major/College of Choice:BIMS (1st Choice and Biology 2nd Choice)

I’m also in a bunch of extracurriculars like Student Council committee head, Senior Class officer, UNICEF, HOSA, Winners Circle, SARA. I dance outside of school and I have over 100+ hours of volunteering.

Oh! I’m interested in Blinn Team as well

@cookmom I’d give some thought to holding off on planning any more testing, unless it would boost his chances at some merit scholarship that he’d still have an opportunity to apply for, or planning for a gap year. As you mentioned, a higher score would be too late for TAMU admissions purposes. IF he gets an alternate admissions path and/or decides to transfer, it’ll be his college grades that matter, not SAT/ACT test scores.

@Abe1011 Did you have a conversation with your parents about what your budget will be for college? If you haven’t done that already, make sure that you do (soon) with regard to Ohio State, and OOS tuition.

Yes, it does happen that otherwise qualified candidates get alternate path offers (and occasionally rejected). With more than 50k applicants, TAMU doesn’t have space for every qualified applicant who wants to attend. But don’t worry about that. The ball is in TAMU’s court now.

You’ve done all the hard work. Your application will get a full holistic review. You were very close to being an Academic Admit (just barely missed), so you have a solid chance. It appears that you’ve made excellent use of your high school opportunities, and performed well. You’ve got a strong math subscore (important for engineering applicants). Deep breaths! You’ll have a decision soon!

Welcome aboard, @vvpr02 ! You’re just in time, and in good company as everyone is brimming with anticipation for the big admission waves to start.

If you’re admitted due to automatic admission (top 10%) and then after your first semester of senior year, you’re no longer in the top 10%. Can your acceptance be revoked?

@ufodiamat Your acceptance won’t be revoked if you fall out of the Top 10% after 1st semester. The statute says that you must be in the Top 10% after your Junior year, and/or at the time of application (so, the application deadline which was 12/1).

That said, you still want to do your best. The statute doesn’t allow for you being rescinded for simply falling out of the top 10%, but students can certainly be rescinded, put on probation, denied their majors, etc… for very low grades (Ds & Fs), for failing to fulfill requirements, and for failing to graduate. Also, things like suspensions, criminal activity, major character/moral issues (e.g. cheating) , can also get you rescinded.

@nomAtter you were on top of if last night lol. Great advice!!!

@AggieMomhelp LOL! No sleep was to be had last night. I kept thinking I was oversleeping my alarm to pick my son up from the airport! So, I figured that I might as well do something useful.

LOL… Well I’m assuming your son is now back safely. Yay. And you are always useful on this site. I know the parentals appreciate it!!!

When did you apply: 1 Dec 2019
Class Rank: 100/505 when submitted
gpa: 99.5
SAT (with Sub Scores) 1280 (math 640 and reading 640) this was my psat and sat score
Sat subject test: math level 1 (740)
physics (540) very low, as i had not prepared
ACT (with Sub Scores) 29 (33 English, 31 Math, 29 Reading, 24 Science)
AP Classes w passing scores:
Human Geo
Computer Science Principles
World History
English Language and Comp (3)
US History
Cal AB (4)
Physics C
Physics E&M
Cal BC
English Literature
Dual Classes:
passed UT Austin Physics 302K class with a 100
College algebra (B)
What are my chances for getting into A&M engineering? I was a Questbridge National College Match Finalist and have have been in multiple organizations like in JROTC teams, Band, Math Honor Society, National Honor Society, and Upward Bound. My rank is relatively low because my school is very competitive.

But where you really “get into the weeds” is with engineering in particular. Last year they had a 74% freshman admit rate and in 2018 it was in to 80s. That is because they have the academies that are a full admit decision. So I do think there is a possibility that is more likely to get into engineering, and only engineering, as a freshman holistic review candidate than a transfer candidate.