TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

happy birthday to your son!

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Hi, Can someone help me with this?
1)Is there a difference between Texas A&M engineering full time and Texas A&M engineering at Blinn in term of application to choice of Major. I know about the 3.75. What if you do not get 3.75? Is it hard to get into other engineering choices if you are at Blinn.
2)I read the advantages at Blinn. What about the disadvantage?

Every engineering student goes through the same ETAM process. Blinn TEAB students will have to maintain a certain GPA at Blinn and TAMU. 3.75 still guarantees admittance to first choice major. 83% get first choice. 91% get 1st or 2nd choice.

It sounds way scarier than I think it is.

To me there are no disadvantages to TEAB. Schools are close together (15-20 minutes by car). Many full time students take classes at blinn.

Is Cost of Attendance the same for Engineering at Galveston compared to the main TAMU?

Thank you AggieMomhelp. You are so helpful.

My son was admitted directly to UTD CS so we are contemplating the choices.
He was not in the top 10% but his SAT score and top 15% should have been enough in previous year, somehow this year he got TEAB so we are a little bit concerned. Is there some stats that show the minimum GPA admitted for each Engineering major?

Play around with this link and see if this helps.

Truly most get their first choice. And they need to be ready to compete and we as parents need to be ready to let them just take it and run. It’s competitive but if they are in engineering, then they are already smart and need to just figure out the process with their peers. I’ve never seen an engineering parent come back here after ETAM process for their kiddo and complain about it. And we all know we like to complain. So this gives me confidence that the system works! And our kids truly are more capable than we think.

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Two confirmations

  1. As several have already mentioned, ETAM guaranteed first-choice major will be 3.75 GPA for Class of 2025. Updated information will be posted and available in time for new student conferences.

  2. Engineering Honors will begin sending out decisions within the next 4 weeks if you applied by October 15. You will receive your decision later if your application timestamp is after October 15.

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Its Friday and everything here in Austin is iced over. I assume no one got 6 tabs this morning. So perhaps the theory that this week would be a big one was a bust?



Some people got acceptances this week, but yes it wasn’t a big one.

Do we think there’s going to be a big wave soon or are they going to continue to slowly give out acceptances till March or the end of March?

  1. With ETAM going up to 3.75 from 3.50, maybe they can now guarantee all engineering majors for a while. First choice was ~81% at 3.50 threshold.
  2. Will Mays go to holistic review soon? It has a really high transfer GPA threshold (~3.8-4.0). Do they have higher retention than engineering so they have fewer transfer spots open?
  3. My nephew applied to OU at the end of January for engineering and got accepted in a few days and awarded their standard OOS scholarship. He applied to A&M in September and still hasn’t heard anything. OU is lower ranked but both schools know their available spots, applications, typical yield, etc. What metrics do you think A&M is waiting on before awarding full admit, ETAM or PSA? Sorting through RD apps?

HI, I just wanted to give you a little info on my son’s journey through ETAM at A&M. My son is a sophomore CS major so he did make it into his major. If he didn’t he was going to transfer because he wasn’t going to let the school choose his life path. But I will tell you that TWO of his friends had to be treated for extreme anxiety due to their fear of not getting to fulfill their life’s dream due to ETAM. The freshman engineering students are HIGHLY aware of the high stakes game A&M is playing with their lives when they admit more students than they can accommodate in the student’s desired programs. It is a stressful freshman experience, to say the least. My son with a perfect 4.0 could not sleep until he got his acceptance to major.

Also, he interned last summer at a major defense contractor in Dallas and found that there were more UTD interns in the engineering department than A&M. Both schools offer great CS departments. The environment is very different. Some kids really want to be an Aggie and will sacrifice their career goals to wear maroon for a few years. Some kids want to pursue their dreams. Some kids get both. I we had to do it over again I think we would have bypassed the stress and gone to a different school and I am an Aggie. It just isn’t the place I graduated from anymore.


No tabs this morning for us…another week of waiting I guess :woman_shrugging:t2:


Does anybody know when might I receive scholarship notification? I checked the Financial Aid portal, but it doesn’t show any awards. That probably coz its not been very long. How long does it take? Pls advise.


What major and did it just update this morning?

I tell everybody that will listen, place your child in an environment to succeed, and only you know your child.

A&M Engineering is not hiding the fact that it has global aspirations. This isn’t your country town university anymore. Over 50% of accepted engineering students were Top 10% in their high school, and this is only going up. In order to accommodate more academically competitive students the department must raise the bar somehow.

Thus, the dominoes fall, which allow schools such as UTD and UTA to also accelerate. It allows the growth for McAllen, Galveston, Qatar, and Blinn.

There are so many options out there for so many different types of students. Place your child in an environment to succeed, not to fulfill an emotional dream.


Yaaaas! That was so well said! Thank you!

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@hopeforthebest123 Congrats! What major?
Going to be honest…A&M isn’t known for giving much in Scholarships. Unless National Merit/Semi/Commended, Eagle Scout or something else along those lines…wouldn’t bank on getting scholarship $. If you do get some down the road, you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Yep. This morning.
General Engineering Major


Civil tho* hehe

@hopeforthebest123 thats great! Again, wouldn’t count or bank on any scholarships, at least not as an incoming freshman. A&M is super competitive (just get ready!), so they don’t have to offer much in the way of scholarships.
Be sure to apply for university scholarships next year, Nov-Feb 1-every year for current students.
Welcome to Aggieland!