TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Totally agree with an emotional dream of wearing maroon because your parents attended a certain school should not influence a child into changing their life plan because the school is overcrowded. My 2025 child was accepted into Mays in October and McCombs recently. It will be a hard choice and I hope he makes the right choice for him even if that means I might have to wear burnt orange sometimes. Congrats to all the future Aggies but if your path is taking you to a different school don’t despair there are A LOT of programs out there that will get you where you want to go.


Congratulations. Cstat?

Yes. Same here.


Yep! Same here - no tabs :frowning:

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And that’s the hard part. I mean, I went to A&M. My husband went to A&M. My sister in law went to A&M, as did my father in law. Raising my daughter to do something SHE wants to do without the maroon glasses has been hard. But since she was in 4th grade, she’s stated she wants to be a vet. Now, 8 years later she’s still saying that.

Will it be hard on us if she winds up at tech or Colorado State? At tech, OMG yes only because it’s tech and I grew up hating them. Will it be hard if she winds up at Colorado State? Not too bad since they have the 3rd best vet school in the country (even better than A&M). But man, she already bleeds maroon and white, and it would be a damn shame if she wound up anywhere else.

I did find her backup plans from tech to A&M yesterday. She had the animal science transfer requirements printed up. So she’s already making contingency plans to be an Ag.

Here’s hoping we don’t have to do that.


Thanks @WantabeAg for your good advice.

I heard similar things from others. My former co worker who is a CS professor at UTD now told me the same thing. It really doesnt matter which school you go to as long as you do well there. I am not an Aggie, but my wife is, so my son has some sentiment to it. It’s going to be a hard choice. A&M has a good reputation but UTD has done very well with CS and premed.


Hey guys that got in what are y’all’s stats?

@hopeforthebest123 - We spoke with Financial Aid/Scholarship office yesterday and were told that all scholarships have been posted. They suggested applying for outside scholarships at this point if the student has not already done so.

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It will be ok!!! My son loved UT but wanted to be a vet. He hated A&M and wouldn’t even look at it. Colorado State, Mississippi State, Auburn, Tech, Iowa State and Kansas State were his choices. So funny that the last one I thought he would love he did ,and got in for about the same cost as Tech! He fell in love with Kansas State, got in their early admit program and after 3 years is in his first year of vet school there. So there is life after A&M. A friend of his just got into A&M’s vet school this round after undergrad at K State. (He couldn’t afford OOS vet school tuition). So wherever you go it will work out! Colorado State was wonderful but more than we wanted to spend and even though he loved CSU he felt there would be too many distractions for him. She will be fine wherever she ends up!!!


How do we apply for that now. Plus I’m an International student so almost all outside scholarships are reserved for “US Citizens” or eligible people. Can you provide me with a link to check out outside scholarships?

@hopeforthebest123 i suggest using Google for scholarships that might apply to your situation? Or locate a professional scholarship company/person-there are people that do that for a living.
Also contact Texas A&M Scholarships and Financial Aid, and ask them if they have any suggestions for international student links. Since A&M is a state school, you may have a really difficult time finding scholarships that will work/apply at A&M.


https://myscholly.com/ Is a very popular site

Thanks so much for that info. I think my son is in that same space. He will not forego his career aspirations just to be a part of a college. Not a knock against A&M- it wouldn’t matter what college it was. He knows what he wants to do and there is no grey area. I appreciate the info and your honesty about the situation.


Yes I can confirm it is indeed true and it is giving me and my D21 pause. She is a good student and wants to do CS. While I know she will have to compete and all that, 3.75 while dealing with first time home away, new environment etc is stressful. I am sure CS is competitive as well.

In the other hand she got accepted at UW Madison as well, which does not have such hard GPA requirements - there is some requirement but is is easier. So we are leaning towards that. Also UW Madison is ranked quite high for CS in US News but not sure if that data is any good?

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I hope y’all are staying warm and POSITIVE! A&M and everything else in the state is shut down. KEEP WARM!


My daughter was accepted to UW Madison as well.

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For us both TAMU and UW-Madison are OOS - so cost-wise both are expensive. But we are from the Chicago area, so cold/weather is not an issue for her.

Really starting to lose hope since it is getting late. Tempted to start really looking at my other options that gave me full admission vs stressing to get a 4.0 for business Blinn team. Anyone else on the border as well?

A lot of transfer students got into Mays for the Fall. Their gpas looked to be around the 3.8 mark. So not blinn team but transfer just the same.

Hang in there.

I don’t want to discourage you at all. There is a way and the Blinn team is a great option. But I also made sure both my kids had a 2nd plan they were 100% fine with if A&M didn’t work out and that includes their majors. I don’t think the big Blinn team acceptance wave has happened and I hope it happens soon and you know the options you have but a backup plan is always good to have. Also really talk to a Blinn advisor even now and see how you feel about the pathway.


Right now I’m trying to decide between going Blinn Team for Engineering, or going Texas tech for mechanical. Going blinn will come with a risk with the ETAM process, and I could possibly not get my major that I’m dead set on. Does anyone know if there’s a major difference between A&M and Tech’s engineering programs?