TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Hi everyone just joined after being on all day. D is liberal arts psychology first choice, forensics sciences second choice. Applied and all documents received by Nov. 1st. Still waiting patiently. I check tabs all day and can’t wait to see the change. For those also waiting don’t feel alone, we are with you. Pls when you get updates, please post so we can find a little excitement for you and that our time may still come. If others have heard any stats about psychology or forensics majors please share. STAY WARM

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@puppies2003 what are your stats and what did you list for major choices? And when did you apply?
There have already been a lot of Blinn TEAM offers, it seems. I haven’t seen any PSA offers tho, maybe that is next?

Hang in there. We are still in the same boat.

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Awesome. Congratulations.

You are still in review since applying? Or have you been given options (waitlist, TEAM) and are awaiting that answer?

Normally I would be freaking out too (I haven’t heard back either), but this crazy weather has been a huge problem this week, so I’m sure the admissions office has been closed meaning they will be pushed back AGAIN. Let’s hope that next week will be our week to see something with the better conditions. Don’t lose hope!


In review ever since my son applied. No options given.

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Care to share stats and majors? Daughters

Gpa 3.7 weighted 3.5 UW
Act 30
3 yrs school volleyball
8 yrs club volleyball
Worked all junior and now senior year
Volunteer work at food bank
Toured TAMU fall 2019 Junior year
Liberal Arts first choice psychology second choice forensics sciences

No news since in review Nov. 1
Have you called admissions or emailed them? Wondering if that will help.

Also curious does anyone send in first semester transcripts ever? She made all A’s with AP classes and really bumped up her gpa .2%. Have heard no one mention sending additional documents after initial application.

I believe others can chime in…

TEAB BAC is Texas A&M Engineering at Blinn Bachelor

Google it, TEAB. Full explanation link comes up


TEAM EB is the regular TAMU BLINN program for non- engineering, you can also Google it.

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They do not take first semester transcripts so it’s a waste of time. Hoping you hear back soon!

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So one example: one of his best friends who he wants to room with has pretty much identical stats as my son, they’re like maybe 10 spots apart on class rank…both applied the same week in October. His friend submitted a 1300 SAT score, my son went Test Optional. Friend got into Mays in the first week of November.

Other majors that have already gotten full admits as review candidates that we know are across the board: sociology, constr sci, education etc.

I am very happy and proud of all these kids, I’m not bemoaning them their successes, I just wish TAMU had a more organized and cohesive admissions process where they let everyone who applied by a certain date know by a certain date. That’s all. Let these kids know so that they can move on.

I have no idea if Econ is full yet or not, we’ve had zero communication from the school and when he calls admissions to ask it’s the same generic response telling him to wait until end of March.

Tech & UTD both have excellent business programs, once he hears back about the leadership/honors programs he’s applied to at both the decision will be made.

And to think, I get to start this all over again with my twins another year!!


Oh okay. Gotcha. But just know that the only requirements for academic were test score and 1st quarter so with them doing away with academic and you going test optional, you weren’t able to show that and of course that’s going to hurt simply because top quarter isn’t a big hurdle for most college applicants. He was among many.

Just don’t want you being bitter. It’s too cold in Texas right now for that! Hang in there.


Question for you. Did you ever meet with a regional advisor? I strongly suggest you find out who that person is. Ours has been fantastic with the communications.

That’s why I think this “test optional” policy is a bunch of baloney. Applicants were told by TAMU in every virtual admissions session and on their website that not submitting a test score wouldn’t hurt them. My kid got a 93 in honors Pre-Cal last year and is maintaining an 89 in AP Stats right now, I think he can handle math at TAMU as a business major lol.

A true and fair process would have been “test blind”. I think our 2021 seniors were guinea pigs at these big, flagship state U’s.

But anyways, all that really matters is that we have power and water and haven’t had any pipes burst yet…my kid will be okay :heart:


He and I both spoke with our regional admissions advisors from the DFW office during the application process. The last time he reached out was in January when he was told to hang on just a bit mote because full admissions were still coming. He called CStat admissions last week before the storm and was told he will get a decision by end of March.

I’m thinking about making a call myself to our regional admissions rep on Monday after everything has thawed out. Our college counselor advised me not to though, she said colleges want to see the kids driving this, not parents.

It’s so confusing.

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My son is test optional as well and still no word. He has all the bells and whistles to get in to A&M less the test scores due to continual cancellations. So much for the holistic review process. It’s a bunch of bull. He’s decided to accept his scholarship (one of many) to TCU. Tired of waiting and he’s super excited!


My D applied FIVL also and almost same time as yours, oct31, and still in review. No movement, nothing.

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Is this the first admissions cycle where TAMU did away with the automatic admissions for academic admits?
Seems crazy they would have an early decision deadline and then not meet the deadline (and then blame Covid and now this winter event). Other schools have been able to release decisions by their deadline.

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